Jewelry has always been related to money, power, glamor and good taste, in the case of the youngest ones, its purpose is not very different, besides it is frequently worn as a complement to the protection pieces according to each belief. In children’s jewelry, materials such as gold or silver are usually used, since they […]
Tag Archives: babies
There are many women who dream of being mothers, although currently the majority decides to prioritize their personal life and career, leaving the role of mothers for later. What they do not know is that pregnancy at 40 usually becomes a biological challenge, for this reason today we want to talk about this issue, so […]
Exercising ! The body of a woman change after giving birth, and return to the training routine is difficult, but not impossible! One of the most recent viral event was around a fitness Muse; she was born in Brazil, Bella Falconi, she have set an example through her social networks. She recorded all her physical […]
Do not panic if your child grow and learn faster than other children, it is because they have an air sign. A new passenger in the family brings with him a relentless search for help, encourage, pamper and make him happy. But also, we wonder how adults should act to impact positively on his growth. […]
Pregnancy is the greatest blessing that we can receive, but when it is about twins these blessings are multiplied and with this also the responsibilities. While caring for a baby is not easy, caring two at the same time could become a real chaos; especially for those parents who are novices, since during the first […]
When you are a mother many doubts rise about various topics related to the baby. One of the most important and has caused more controversy in recent years is breastfeeding. Breastfeeding is the milk that provides a mother to her baby through the breast. It is vitally important because this helps the proper development and […]