Wednesday, December 9, 2015.
It has been discovered a highly fatal superbug from China, which has generated health warning, in front of an imminent danger; because it spreads quickly from Europe.
The superbug is resistant to all current treatment methods. It arrived to Europe through chicken, and causes a strong and impossible to cure pneumonia. The first case was recorded in Denmark, where recently a patient is hospitalized. Analysis has shown that the bacteria that affected the Danish citizen is a new version of the deadly Escherichia bacteria, containing a mutated gene known as MCR-1 and is resistant to the most powerful antibiotics, even to colistin.
It was screened for the first time in people and livestock in China; and could terminate humanity if we don’t look for something to combat it effectively. Colistin, is one of the last weapons to battle against multiresistant bacteria; so it is alarming this discovery of the superbug which is considered by some scientists of China, as an indication that the world is on the threshold of a post-antibiotic era; because the bacteria can negate the effectiveness of the antibiotic in both patients and livestock. This resistance can spread throughout the world and raise the specter of untreatable infections.
The fact that bacteria are becoming completely resistant to treatments (estimated as the apocalypse of antibiotics), could according to some specialists, take medicine back to an era in which the most common infections could be deadly. The situation is so impressive in the scientific community that they are having a discussion about the inability to look up for something to kill it; referring us to the dark times of the middle Age.
Such references among scientists about a possible treatment of the superbug and the future that this might hold for us, they are divergent. Danish scientists believe that doctors might try with mixing several drugs, looking for a combination to kill the bacteria. Meanwhile, experts from the University of Birmingham are less optimistic and say that it is only a matter of time to have a superbug with worst combinations; since it is resistant to all treatment methods available to modern medicine. The MCR-1 high seems to move easily between strains of E. coli and other common bacteria, increasing the risk of spreading without anything we can do.
Hopefully post-antibiotic era has not yet arrived. But this (study by scientists), should serve as a wake-up call to the world. Resistance to antibiotics kills about 700,000 people worldwide each year and for 2050 the number is amazing, 10 million people.