The sclerosis is a disease that significantly interferes with the quality of life of many people. It affects myelin or white matter of the brain and spinal cord, causing th
e appearance of sclerotic plaques which prevent the normal functioning of these nerve fibers.
Keep in mind that your health is not a game, if you experience dizziness, difficulty in motor coordination, blurred vision, or loss of vision, it is time to go to the neurologist, as these may be signs of that your body is being affected.
The sclerosis is a degenerative disease that attacks the central nervous system. Starts in most cases with different signals, which can be hours, days or weeks; presenting as common symptom optic neuritis accompanied by tingling.
This pathology is characterized by the hardness and muscle rigidity, and may affect almost all organs and tissues in the human body (brain, cerebellum, brainstem and spinal cord); mostly affecting in women than in men, and diagnosed between 20 and 40 years.
However, experts indicate that an early diagnosis and appropriate treatment may reverse the damage at the beginning of this disease; because, at that moment, the brain still has the capacity to regenerate myelin.
The sclerosis is the leading cause of disability in people under the age of 45 in Europe and Latin America. Its causes are not yet known for sure, however, the specialists assume that can be produced by the combination of some genetic and environmental factors.
On the other hand, it cannot be prevented, precisely by its unknown origin; however, it is possible to influence in a positive way in the evolution of this disease while the diagnosis and treatment are early.
It is necessary to emphasize that good nutrition plays an important role to be healthy, both physical and mental. Those who are affected by sclerosis must have a healthy nutrition and varied as the rest of the people, though it has not been proved that there is a diet that will help to stop its progress. Anyway, it is recommended that people with sclerosis prevent obesity and maintain a balanced diet, with the intake of foods rich in Omega 3 and Omega 6 – fish, tuna, sardines, avocado, nuts, sesame oil and sunflower oil; these nutrients help the proper functioning of neurons and chemical transmissions; the action of these is also inflammatory.
Consumption of vitamin C helps in the treatment of multiple sclerosis, because it is an antioxidant and reduces the negative effect of free radicals.
Vitamins E and B12 present in the almonds, hazelnuts and in olive oil, will favor you in the treatment of this disease. It is also convenient eating foods rich in vegetable protein as: lentils, chickpeas, soybeans, wheat, oats, corn, rice and barley.
Maintain a balanced diet; it is maybe one of the best ways to lead a healthy lifestyle. Stop diseases on time to live more years!