Sometimes, when it passes from mouth to mouth something you hear or what you learn, you increase your harvest to make it “more interesting”, funny or outrageous. Just this is how the gossip appear. Stop rumors once and for all!!
Gossip are the things that are said about other people and are spreading like a chain; they can sometimes be true, but it is no use commenting. “Gossip” isn’t hard, and may even seem funny expose the lives of others, but to invent rumors that are not true and also harm others is forbidden and frowned upon.
This not only hurts the feelings but also damages the image of the innocent. Sometimes words hurt more than the beatings and are very difficult to forget. But what should you do to end the gossip?
If there are a rumor about you, go straight to who started it and face him. If you can, do it in public to be embarrassed and do not dare to try something like that again.
If someone wants to tell you a gossip, avoid it! Thereby that person will put off the desire to get into the lives of others. If you have a problem and you know it’s true, it’s best to try to help in some way.
Another tactic is to report the person who said the rumor that you are prepared to follow the gossip of the person concerned. This will give opportunity to the tattler to know that the information will be directed towards the person and is likely to retract and ask for an apology. Before commenting or do anything, think about what you would like to do if you were in that situation. Say only the good and positive things from others and start a positive chain and you will feel much better for it.
Who invents gossip, is people who have a very poor life, looking for fun getting into the lives of others, is people enjoying the power that gives them to invent a gossip, and that at times they become the center of attention and enjoy the influence they are having on the listener and the damage they are doing to the concerned person.
Most women want to live without end, in peace, enjoy their happiness and tranquility. Seek to enjoy being a woman and the safety each has… so, you should not make a mountain of bland comments.
Please remember to treat others as you want to be treated. Who speaks ill of others, speaks ill of herself. Gossip die when there is no one to say or listen.