Words are spiritual tools of our reality the dominion we apply on them it is the key to learn to deal correctly with life. These reveal in a quick manner beliefs, strengths and weaknesses that characterize us when we communicate to express our feelings and emotions with others or with ourselves.


These have the ability to conceive a reality in our thoughts, because through its effects we can develop or ruin our lives. These can be double-edged swords that often we do not control. The language we use, talk about ourselves and what we keep in the subconscious mind. When we use scary expressions with pessimistic terms where the complaint and bitterness are the key elements; we are filling our environment with negative things.


If instead we use the most captivating option, encouraging our environment with encouraging words; recognizing that we are human and can make mistakes without generating a tragedy, then we are on the true path to fix any situation that comes our way. Words can be our best friend or our worst enemy, because words show us in body and soul; make you stronger or vulnerable. We must learn to maneuver them as if we walked a tightrope, in a firm and safe way.

Taking as an example, the way politicians, preachers and many advertising media communicate with the people to induce a preference, we see amazing results. If we go to someone with accusatory and insulting words at some time, it will cause an effect unprecedented uncontrollably mark the life of that individual. It is a terrible consequence will follow us forever, since often unintentionally, we harm the lives of people we love.

Our words are very powerful, since ancient times have been verified. We can’t verbally abuse of anyone, because the karma of that feeling completely flood the aura of those who are not even responsible for what we do.

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Without realizing it, we have continued to affect our environment, enacting and cursing both our loved ones and the entire universe with our statements. These ordinances are met immutably; however the best we can do is shut up, take a deep breath and swallow what we say; because on the contrary to what many believe, words don’t go away with the wind.

These stay around us materialized as entities acting for or against the sound that comes out of our mouths. These beings feed on the verbs we say and crawling like a snake lurking, ready to bite at the weakest and most trusted prey; so it is vital to be able to control them and not let them handle us.

The words will stamp your fate! You have a spiritual authority to give them the proper use; this is the fundamental principle that should prevail over the circumstances surrounding your life.