Wednesday, 23 December 2015. The world of entertainment, always capture the moments in which the celebrities set aside time in their agenda to cover social causes; not only of a political nature, but by engaging in the reality of others. There are several artists who decide to make social work, away from success and fortune that they have. For example, many working for respect for animals; raising their voices against the fur industry or simply being vegetarians.

Usually, it is easier the monetary assistance through donations or with own foundation; because there are those who think that with all the money they have, may cover expenditure in favor of the most needy. Among preferred social works can be bring joy and positive expectations to those who do not enjoy good health. The artists love to visit the children, who dream with known to their idols; after suffering conditions product of cancer and other complex diseases.


A few days ago, the singer Taylor Swift; visited to a little girl with cancer, whose dream was to meet her favorite artist. The visit was a surprise and as describes the girl, was a very nice time; thanking the interpreter, who immediately joined to the young girl. The news reached the media by means of the Instagram account of the little girl of 13 years old, and by the images that Taylor shared in that they can be seen very happy to have shared an entire day together.

These activities also have been carried out by Justin Bieber, Kathy Perry, Selena Gomez, Ryan Reynolds (Green Lantern), among other artists. Children are connected to a world of fantasy and cartoons, where the superheroes are those who can save us from chaos; so that infants with compromising diseases always express their great desire to know these protectors.


Recently became visible by the Facebook network, a video of the actor Johnny Deep dressed as his famous character Jack Sparrow, the most beloved pirate of all times and the main character of the group of Pirates of the Caribbean movies. Deep enters in his character and visit the children, passing a pleasant time with his fans.

Other heroes that also meet the dream of the children of the world, are the soccer players. Cristiano Ronaldo, Leonel Messi and David Beckham are three of the many who meet with their fans and spread the sport as a style of life. On the other hand, the initiative is not just for celebrities, this is known as PayaSOSpital; flooding of joy and faith to those who suffer this terrible disease.