For many women, shaving their legs represents an alternative to achieve soft and smooth legs. However, it is possible that when doing so, razor bumps, ingrown hairs and general irritation appear due to an incorrect or inappropriate technique.

While no one is immune from making mistakes when shaving their legs, they can be avoided. So we invite you to discover what you could be doing wrong when it comes to smooth, hair-free legs, as well as learning some tricks that help make the whole process easier.

Shaving legs Women
Photo By cottonbro from Pexels

8 Mistakes when shaving legs that you’ll want to avoid

1. Exfoliating legs just before shaving

Although we know that exfoliating legs is a good way to remove dead cells and therefore we do it regularly, doing it right before shaving your legs is definitely the worst choice since in itself it is a form of exfoliation and we could cause additional irritation due to the consecutive abrasions to which we are subjecting the skin. It is also counterproductive to do it right after shaving.

Therefore, it is recommended doing it at least two days before to give the skin time to recover. It is also recommended that we wait a little before rubbing the legs directly after shaving because the pores are open and are susceptible to infection and irritation.

2. Shaving legs using long strokes

Instead of making long strokes, it is preferable to concentrate on small sections since when making long strokes, you may have to go through the same place several times and this ends up irritating the skin. The problem is that the razor generally gets clogged with longer hair and shaving cream when trying to cover long patches.

3. Applying lotions that contain alcohol

It is no secret to anyone that alcohol makes our skin dry, therefore, applying lotions containing alcohol after shaving your legs can also cause skin irritation. So to avoid nullifying all the effect that the lotion would be giving to your legs, it is recommended that you read the label of the ingredients to make sure that it does not contain alcohol.

Two good options to keep your legs soft and hydrated after shaving are shea butter and coconut oil.

4. Shaving legs using an old razor

This is one of the most common mistakes when shaving legs, as many women do not pay attention to how long they have been using a razor. You may have bought a good razor, but this does not mean that you can use it for many weeks.

As razors are used, they gradually become duller, increasing the risk of irritation and burns from shaving, as well as they catch bacteria responsible for causing infections. For greater efficiency and safety, it is advisable to rinse them frequently to unclog them. Blades or razors should also be replaced every two weeks or at the first sign of dullness, which is usually between 5 and 10 shaves.

5. Shaving legs as soon as you get in the shower

Although it is usually understandable that many women do this as a way to start their beauty routine, experts advise spending at least 15 minutes in the shower or bath before shaving. This will give your legs the opportunity to absorb moisture, soften the hair and open the follicles, making the task much easier and kind to your skin.

So choose to start your routine by applying shampoo, conditioner, or doing your body cleanse. However, you should avoid spending too long, as your skin will wrinkle and swell, making shaving your legs more difficult.

6. Shaving dry or using soap instead of shaving cream

Many of us have been guilty of making this mistake, especially when we are in a hurry. However, although it represents a lifesaver when we prepare to go out, it has some important disadvantages that we must consider, and among them, we are more likely to cause razor burn, cuts and ingrown hairs.

For their part, most soaps don’t create enough lubrication for the razor blades to slide easily on your skin, which could increase the risk of cutting yourself. In addition, regular soaps can also wear down razor blades, cause dry skin and irritation when shaving.

Therefore, no matter how hurry you are in, to avoid nicks and cuts it is best to avoid the temptation to shave dry or with soap. Always use a moisturizing shaving cream or gel to protect and soften the skin, and allow the razor to slide on easily.

7. Passing the razor many times and in different directions

In order to get a shave as fast as possible, we will likely have to go back and forth in the direction that the hair grows and in the opposite direction many times. However, shaving in different directions will only increase the risk of bumps, irritations and ingrown hairs as a result of the angle at which you shave.

Although we can do it in the direction the hair grows for a safer shave or in the opposite direction for a faster shave, this last option provides us with a more precise finish since it separates the hair from the skin before cutting it, but it can also increase the risk of irritation and ingrown hairs.

To avoid doing it many times, it is best that in the first pass, you shave only in the direction in which the hair grows. Then reapply the gel and shave again, as once the hair is shorter and the skin is lubricated, it is much safer to go against the direction of hair growth.

8. Going swimming immediately after shaving legs

If you are planning a trip to the beach or planning to swim in the pool, this is a mistake you definitely want to avoid since your pores are open and it is possible that abrasive sand from the beach or chlorine from swimming pools can cause irritation. So it will be kinder to your skin if you can wait a day or several days for your skin to heal.