Often we ask ourselves: Is there a manual to reach happiness? We yearn to be happy assertively and we seek to be happy through different ways. However, although it is not possible, there are tools that can be of help to those who propose to cultivate their path towards personal happiness. On these short lines we propose some considerations to keep in mind; nevertheless, each person tries to be happy depending on their way of feeling and thinking.

To fully enjoy something, it’s vital that your attention isn’t divided or disperse, but concentrated into one thing. Delight yourself with what you do; if you’re listening to music, do only that; if you’re eating, focus on the rich flavors that your palate perceives; if you take a bath, be caressed by the warm water. Experience what you want and focus on that stimulus, trying that your mind takes you to other places and times.


Learn to live with all senses. Smile, laughing favors social relationships, it produces happiness, and it eases making new friends and helps to deal efficiently with tense situations. Laughter is a privilege that we must seize to the maximum; besides, it’s free! So, perceive the temperature of the air that touches your skin, the feel of clothes, the simple shapes of things you touch, the consistency of the ground you’re stepping on and the texture of the aliments that you taste.

Likewise, you can achieve happiness through small accessible delights, like the nature that surrounds you, for example: walking outdoors, enjoying the forest, the beach, the mountain or the meadows. Simply by listening to birds singing, watching the rebirth and green colors of plants, the caresses of the sunshine, the nice aroma of flowers and the penetrating scent of wet land when the rain falls down.


On the other hand, the affective connection is a very important bond in our lives; it’s determining to be happy. Share with your friends and your loved ones; hug them, offer them a caress; make them know how important they are in your life; this way you reinforce the love and well being bonds.

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Another significant point to keep in mind is the challenges that we set to ourselves and all the perspectives that you get from them; these also may get us to achieve happiness. Meaning that it’s about to take the tools that the complex and difficult situations in our life provide us and transform them positively; besides come out strengthened and victorious from them.

The key to achieve happiness does not lay on living extreme and out of the ordinary situations; on the contrary, it’s in learning to appreciate the small every day delights that we usually let go unnoticed. Stay alert to simple things that surround you and completely enjoy each moment; this way you will be able to find endless reasons to feel incredibly happy.