According to some theories, the world and the universe are made up of powerful energies that govern life. Between positive and negative energies is the Evil Eye.
As a phenomenon, is produced by a source of negative energy directed to a person. This type of energy is directly related to negative values such as envy, jealousy, hatred, etc., which cause damaging effects on the person who receives it.
According to popular belief, this energy is directed straight with the gaze and can be issued voluntarily or involuntarily, but why this happens?, this shows admiration because, as the issuer, may be able to transmit much more energy in the other person, that is, has the highest concentration of energy and can focus it unintentionally.
Such superstitions are present in different religions such as the Jewish and Catholic. This type of phenomenon is explained and based on that we are all energy; therefore, there are positive energies, which bring great benefits, and on the other hand, there are negative energies that bring harmful damages to people has it.
In the world there are people with malice who want to cause harm to another person, so they concentrate on focusing bad vibes and direct them to those people, whether be physical or psychological way, casting an evil eye if the other person does not have the spiritual power to repel.
This is why babies and young children are often the most vulnerable people to the evil eye. When a third praises too much a baby, can easily transmit this superstitious phenomenon; it depends solely on the energies that surround this person.
When presenting evil eye, noticeable symptoms occur in the person. For younger children, the most common are: loss of appetite, continuous and frequent vomiting, diarrhea, uncontrolled crying without apparent cause, disturbed sleep and even allergies and skin rashes.
Meanwhile, in adults, the evil eye usually has a more powerful effect on psychological than physical level. Nervousness, deep fear and sudden and unexplained paranoia, may be three manifestations of this condition which can come also accompanied by dizziness, nausea and vomiting.
It should not confirm the presence of the evil eye without first consulting a doctor, because the symptoms are quite generic. But how to prevent and cure the evil eye? You should be aware that, as an energetic phenomenon, it is important to work to strengthen the spirit and energy, you can turn to yoga or meditation so you can repel this negativity.
The evil eye cure, according to different faiths, cultures and countries; is managed by healers, rituals and amulets. The most important thing to note is not be swayed by fear and the worry of having evil eye, because it only increases vulnerability and negativity. Increase your positive energy and live in full happiness.