A good night’s sleep has a restorative effect on our lives, because it fills us with physical and intellectual energy to continue with the sessions of the day; however, many people in the middle of the night or at unaccustomed hours wake up, unable to achieve a restful sleep and rest; affecting negatively their quality of life.
Lack of sleep significantly affects the person suffering, causing social and other important areas of deterioration. Moreover, you must know what prevents good sleep, and this, most of the time, is caused by insomnia.
Insomnia is a disorder that creates difficulty initiating or maintaining sleep, preventing the need of the body to recover in the nocturnal rest. This can be caused by many things: one of the most common emotional disorders is accompanied by anxiety problems, tiredness, worry, work stress, anxiety, fear or sadness. Poor sleep is also associated with certain diseases, such as physical discomfort. Poor posture at bedtime can bring serious problems that affect the person to wake up several times during the night.
Also, the consumption of certain stimulants such as coffee, cigarettes and chocolate, if taken late at night, probably produce insomnia. On the other hand, heavy meals before going to bed can affect sleep quality. Food should be eaten at a moderate time and these should be light.
It is important to note some considerations to achieve a restful sleep and ensure a good rest: accustom your body to maintain the habit of sleep and wake up at the same time; try not to go to bed until you feel sleepy. One of the best ways to combat stress is through physical activity; do moderate and regular exercise, avoid to perform them in the last hours of the day, this will help to improve your physical and mental state and rest better.
Avoid alcohol overnight, coffee and all stimulating drinks; the physical environment should be cozy and relaxing. Your room should be cool, dark, with low noise and pleasant temperature.
Stressful and tense situations should be avoided where possible, try to go to bed without worries; and respect your dream hours. The warm baths are recommended because relax and relieve muscle tension; listen to soft music to induce sleep. Practice relaxation and breathing techniques to help you recover the nocturnal rest.
Sleep is an essential part of your life and a health indicator. The appropriate amount is indispensable to conserve energy and face every day. It is important to establish a sleep ritual: relax, calm down, take a deep breath and sweet dreams.
Definitely sleeping is essential for our daily functions and if we have trouble at sleeping we should try all the available techniques to improve or overcome that situation.