Women are full of daily challenges they must overcome to maintain an active life with family and personal life at the same time that they are under constant criticism from society.
Today the tendency to look a hair-free body is becoming bigger, the beauty centers offer numerous options to achieve the desired look, there are variety of products that allow you to reduce expenses as you applies them from the comfort of your home.
The hair removal can be, with laser, wax or creams and razors, and methods can be performed by professionals or at home to remove hair in areas like underarms, arms, legs, abdomen and with some care, in the intimate area.
Laser hair removal has a major advantage and is superior to other methods, removes hair in prolonged and permanent time by light emissions, a thermal effect which succeeds in destroying the hair follicle. You can also achieve clear the stained areas such as underarm area, and improves “folliculitis” which are ingrown hairs.
Furthermore, although the removal must be permanent, after the end of treatment it is necessary annual adjustments because the hormonal changes generate hair growth continuously.
Misapplication can result in serious consequences such as burns, scars, skin discoloration and swelling. So doing it in a certified specialist center it is important, among cons will always be the high costs that this method represents.
Another method commonly used is waxing, its main benefit is the weakening of the hair which decreases the amount and thickness with the passage of time, because waxing removes the hair follicle completely.
Its main disadvantage is the pain you must endure to undergo this method, you must keep in mind that a bad application can cause skin blemishes by an inflammatory process after exposure to high temperature of wax, to prevent it avoid sun exposure 24 hours before and after waxing.
Waxing at home is cheaper, in terms of depilatory creams are totally painless, the process is quick and easy. There are creams for the face and body and according to your skin type.
Watch out, some of these creams can cause redness, scaling and cigar, you must perform an allergic reaction test before using it on a small area of your skin.
Shavers are faster, effective, economical, and the most used method, but after shaving, the hair grows quickly, usually within two days, new follicles are generated plus ingrown hair and lifetime depends on its use.
Like everything that has to do with skin care has its pros and cons, learn about each before you make them can help you achieve the desired result and avoid complications.
Each method is unique and it depends on our skin type, but definitely it doesn’t matter which methods we use as long as we get rid of those annoying hairs