What do we need to know about probiotics and prebiotics? It is important to take into account first, that these are two different alternatives that should not be confused, since the first are supplements or foods that have live microorganisms; used in order to improve or maintain bacteria, called “good”, which represent the normal microbiota of the body; while the latter (prebiotics), act as nutrients to maintain the human microbiota, and are considered foods with a high fiber content.
The World Health Organization (OMS) considers that probiotics should be administered in adequate amounts; and in this way, benefits can be obtained for the health of those who serve as a host for living microorganisms.
In this regard, the specialist in Endocrinology and Nutrition of the Regional University Hospital of Malaga in Spain, Dr. Gabriel Olveira, affirms that there are several ways to administer these products, the main one is oral, but it can also be done vaginally, when It is intended, for example, to improve candidiasis, an infection caused by Candida albicans. Other live microorganisms, such as Saccharomyces boulardii, are frequently used to prevent diarrhea when taking antibiotics, with the aim of repopulating the bacterial flora present in the intestines.
According to some scientific research carried out at IBIMA (Instituto de Investigación Biomédica de Málaga), in studies or clinical trials on probiotics; It is essential to providethe microorganisms that compose them with theoptimal conditions for them to maintain their vitality. In the case of fermented dairy products ; Maintaining the cold chain is essential, to be able to store and manage them in the most appropriate way, and guarantee the health of people who consume them.
It should also be noted that when probiotics are used, it is important to have selected one or more specific strains; to then administer them at a given time and in a certain amount, so that the expected effects can occur. Something that can only be achieved through clinical studies or medical prescriptions in specific and particular situations.
This is how, through studies carried out with probiotics; The use of these supplements or foods in the management of different pathologies has been analyzed in a clinical and scientific way, such as; diarrhea caused by the consumption of antibiotics, which is derived from the action of very virulent bacteria, such as clostridium difficile; It has manifested itself more frequently in those patients of advanced age, or with very complicated pathologies that require special hospital conditions.
In addition, studies have been carried out, seeking to demonstrate the usefulness of these foods, in the treatment to reduce the cases of infections in patients who are hospitalized in intensive care; where their conditions are very specific and special. There are also clinical studies that analyze its application in the treatment of osteoporosis.
As for prebiotics; As previously stated, these are not living organisms; it is a type of non-digestible fiber that favors the growth of a specific class of bacteria in the colon. Something that brings many health benefits, so it is recommended that, when following a healthy diet, try to include foods with some prebiotics, which can be obtained from foods such as onions, legumes such as lentils and vegetables.
Prebiotics have been widely used both for the treatment of diarrhea and for constipation. There are also some studies that analyze the possible positive effects of these, in the preventive process of frequent pathologies in millions of people in the world, such as obesity and diabetes. Since these act when the metabolisms of glucose and insulin are altered.
Another thing you should know is that the use of prebiotics is considered to be safer than that of probiotics, because the latter can be counterproductive for some immunosuppressed people or hospitalized patients; who could be victims of infections, due to the attack of these bacteria or live microorganisms present in probiotics. In such a way that, in these cases, they must be used through clinical trials in controlled conditions.
In this sense, prebiotics are safer; because they are fibers that do not require such strict conditions for their conservation, in addition to the fact that they are easier to obtain. However, as with probiotics, the dosage and timing of use of prebiotics are key factors for their effective function.
The consumption of probiotics depends a lot on the gastronomic culture of each country, for example, in Germany it is customary to consume sauerkraut; while in Asia, the consumption of fermented soybean derivatives is more common; and in Spain, they are generally consumed through some pickles, made with aubergines, pickles or olives. But, although they may contain live microorganisms, there is no scientific consensus that allows them to be considered as probiotic foods.
This article is informative and is not intended to serve as a diagnosis, prescription or treatment of any type of ailment. This information is not a substitute for consulting a doctor, specialist or health professional.