There are places that are stored forever in the heart. Scrutinize the culture of other towns, and know the greatness that every corner offers is amazing. Visit a remote site is a wonderful experience; even more so when it comes to exotic places and exuberant beauty.

Visit places that have been icons in the history of mankind, as Europe, the cradle of Western culture, or The Old Continent, as it is known, is to explore the art, culture, and architecture.

Visiting Europe is a different experience every time. Discover the artistic wealth of places like Italy; enjoy the cultural spirit that breathes in every city in France; see the sights of Spain; or have a tour across the Netherlands, exploring their fairytale towns. Moving to the British Isles, to see firsthand England, Ireland, Scotland or Wales in the purest British style; and if you want to see never dream landscapes, travel to Iceland.

But Europe offers much more the dreamlike landscapes in Switzerland; medieval and modern cities that intermingle in Germany; monuments unrivaled in Austria; mythological stories in Romania, without forgetting the Baltic estates, Scandinavia, Czech Republic or Hungary, which hide samples of clearer European modernism.


Speaking from Lisbon, a place where nostalgia flow through the streets that always seems distant. Edinburgh is culture and fun. Each year the Scottish capital gets hundreds of thousands of visitors, with the aim to experience all kinds of emotions. Another charm is Copenhagen; who compare it to any other European capital make a mistake, plus a huge injustice because Copenhagen has its own personality and attractions more than enough to satisfy the tastes of all travelers and worth a visit in any season.

The cradle of the Renaissance or Florence, the Tuscan capital is a beautiful city. has architectural harmony and good taste, spread a romantic mood, and fill the visitor with humility inevitable before deploying here geniuses who left an indelible mark and perfect for all.

It is not easy to establish a list of the most beautiful places in Europe. On the one hand, it is not the same as a beautiful city is objectively about their situation, overall charm, or because have half a dozen unique buildings of special distinction, and this will give a lot category. On the other hand, people always would argue that theirs is the most beautiful, the cleanest, the most fun, and best of all.

Europe is full of wonders! It is the second largest continent in the world that hosts the largest number of sites declared World Heritage or World Heritage Site by UNESCO.

Travel to Europe it will let you have endless new experiences and emotions. Enjoy the cultural and artistic diversity of the Old Continent, Do not miss it!



  1. Marian says:

    It is an amazing feeling just to read about those historical places in Europe. No matter how many times you visit them, there is always something new to discover.

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