Since time immemorial, pearls have had a very special symbolic meaning. They are considered symbols of good luck and purity, chastity, humility and innocence, due to the origin of the pearl, which is produced from a simple grain of sand and becomes a beautiful precious gem.

There are three types of pearls, the so-called cyst pearls that originate in the pearl sac and have a round, ovoid or pear appearance, with the surface of nacre; the blister pearls, attached to the inner face of the shell and its appearance is of half sphere, pearly only in its upper part. And the Baroque pearls that have an irregular shape.

Although the color of pearls has always been associated with white, this is not the only tone that can be achieved since there are 19 different colors of pearls, ranging from red-yellow to yellow-green, to reds, orange and yellow, and from green, to reddish purple, passing through blues, grays and violets. All of them, with different tones in the middle.

On the other hand, within the uses that have been given to pearls, we can name its employment as exchange currencies and articles of investment. Also, its greater use has been in jewelry for the elaboration of different types of garments, as well as a complement to dresses, shoes, buttons, among other decorative uses.

Similarly, the powder extracted from the pearls has been used by traditional Chinese medicine to treat disorders of the nervous system. In the cosmetic area, it is recommended to keep the skin looking youthful, since it speeds up the metabolism, tones the skin, eliminates spots, eliminates acne and prevents redness. It is also used as an exfoliant, to reduce wrinkles, improve skin elasticity and lighten the tone.

Esoterically, they are credited with properties of attracting wealth, as well as attracting happiness and good energies. While emotionally it is said that pearls have the ability to absorb negative energies, whether from whoever is wearing it or from others,  and it helps to control violent emotions. In meditation it is used to harmonize the body reaching great levels of balance.

As for its value, the price of pearls depends on factors such as size, luster and iridescence, shape, color and thickness of the nacre layer. The most expensive pearls are saltwater, and the best quoted are the Australian pearls, which are grown in Australia, Indonesia and the Philippines.

Many are the reasons to have pearls in your jewellery box, but it’s their beauty that does not go out of fashion and their durability that will make this sea jewel your favorite accessory.