Monday, 4th of January 2016. We are in 2016, and new fashion proposal start to emerge, as much in activities as in colors. This year the rose quartz is the protagonist of style. But, what is Pantone? It is a company that annually proposes the colorful tonality in trend, used in design schemes, graphic projects, interior organizers and fashion coloration. The company guarantees the accuracy of the proposal, so it proposes a formula to obtain the desired color, which code is “PANTONE 13-1520 ROSE QUARTZ”.

It is a dim, dusty pink, in a soft pastel tone. Its characteristics have caused uproar in the organization of environments and general clothing for women. The tone has always existed, its own name says it “rose quartz” and it´s inspired on a precious gem; it is of a versatile aspect, adapting quickly to tendencies and becoming a successful Pantone.


It is easy to combine, being of a neutral color. Within the fashion world is very easy to use a piece completely in this tone or as a visible compliment for those women who aren´t as risky, but who absolutely wish to add it to their personal style.

The color is compatible with pastel color such as mint green or sea blue, baby blue, ice or turquoise, pearl whites or litmus, different gold and silver shades in their matte versions, so it won’t take the lead role from the main pieces. For the more irreverent, this tone plays well with shades of black, grey and brown; which are universal companions for this soft palette.


It is also seen as a bid to the wedding season. Women prefer to wear their bouquets in such shades and perhaps their manicure or jewelry, but a dress makes them more memorable, these are usually sheer tulle, lace and silk.

Fashion houses have worked with this color as a proposal in each runway event, complying with every silhouette that favors the female figure; makeup has also extended to these tone versions. It won´t be of any surprise if in the upcoming awards season we see many celebrities wearing dresses, makeup and shoes in the color palette.


During the past five years, we have witnessed the Pantone formulas and how from its color palette it has set trends. The year 2014 had a violet blast with the tone “PANTONE 18-3324 RADIANT ORCHID” and last year (2015), we all learned about the mauve color, maybe wine, specifically the “PANTONE 18-1438 Marsala”. This year we are invited to include the tone “rose quartz” in our lives, whether in our home decorations, clothing or long hair; it is a color that goes with every woman. Toast to a 2016 as rosy as quartz!