Happiness is not measured by the weight of your body, but it can be a fundamental part of your physical and psychological wellbeing, especially in the sexual sphere.
Overweight and obesity can bring consequences to self-esteem and sexual desire, but they affect in different ways to man and woman. According to Mariano Rosselló, director of the Institute for Sexual Medicine at Madrid and Urology Center Palma de Mallorca: “Boys are more likely to suffer from impotence, and women to suffer lack of desire.”
In this context, studies show that women who are obese suffer from sexual dissatisfaction in 68% of the cases, compared with 46% of women with considered normal weight.
The concern does not end at this point, the consequences of overweight are the following:
- Syndrome of buried penis: if suffer from obesity, when weight lost, mans can suffer this kind of condition, due to the accumulation of fat in the abdominal area can cause an appearance of smaller penis, which usually affects sexual activity.
- Limits fertility: for men, a study published in “Medscape” concludes that men who are overweight, their ability to conceive is limited, this is due to reduced sperm and genetic structure thereof.
- Lack of diversity: not only affects health but on experimentation within the room. Overweight discomfort prevents some sexual positions, therefore it usually falls in routine.
- High probability of abortions: this condition affects women at higher risk overweight. According to research of “Brigham and Women’s Hospital” is because these women are more likely to have “chromosomal abnormalities”.
- Hormonal imbalance: hormonal changes generated by those extra pounds, accelerate the reduction of testosterone in men and women that is to say, decreased libido.
Although overweight affects the sexual life, it is a treatable problem, the main recommendations fall directly in a stable, healthy weight, as overweight patients agree that when getting rid of some kilos, this significantly improves sex life.
Do not neglect food, eat foods with low saturated fats and carbohydrates, and avoid products containing caffeine and sausages. Add to this the physical activity at least three days a week, with 30-minute routines. Also do not fall on a constant stress, as this often leads to anxiety attacks that worsen the situation, making you to eat more than necessary.
Sleep is your best friend, sleep well at night provides the necessary energy and a stables hormonal activity. A minimum of eight hours daily helps to have a healthy heart, control appetite, and improve memory.
Do not forget that there are always steps that can be taken to solve these problems, everything depends on your will to achieve a healthy and fulfilling sex life.