All people possess a field of magnetic energy that, with the right tool, can be used in different ways; among these are: the ability to get answers and timely detection of future diseases. One of these tools is known as the pendulum. This has the power to feel the vibrations emitted by the body. On the other hand, although its composition is simple, its variation is reflected in the type of stone that you want to use.
The electrical impulses that radiates from the body are the result of a psychic perception; this is manifested through the pendulum, causing it to do certain movements. Thanks to these we can identified so many blessings.
In uncertain situations or when difficult decisions must be taken, you can use this means; and because it has the gift of precision, you can ask questions with full confidence. The valuation of the answer will depend on the action that you do after you express the question.
When the answer is affirmative, the pendulum will swing in the direction of clockwise or can also do it vertically. On the other hand, if the answer is negative, it will move in an inverse way; that is to say, that its swing will be contrary to the two already mentioned. However, it is possible that the answer is uncertain due to the fact that the question was not made properly; in this case, the pendulum will have no consistency in its direction, in other words, it can go in elliptical direction.
Also, with the vibrations can detect if the body has negative energies that can become high-risk diseases. There are few individuals who believe in the damage that are generated when bad feelings are internalized; such as envy, rancor, unhappiness and even hatred. However, these can be the triggers of conditions such as cancer, sclerosis, among others. In this sense, this object has the grace to identify if you have or not bad emotions, in addition to being able to clean our soul from them.
This great tool can be made with any material. However, some are more productive than others. In the classification of the quartzes, there are several appropriate for particular functions.
For example, we have the ruby: has a specific field, limited by everything that involves the physical; that is to say, the human body and all it contains, emphasizing that its energy is routed toward the health and welfare of the person.
For the spiritual side, the pendulum of amethyst is the one that best works; making flow and strengthens the creative and internal side. Focuses the force that we are made, help to maintain in order our being and sharpens the senses.
Persons wishing to enjoy the grandeur of a tool so small, they should remember that it is best to get without stress or exhaustion, whether physical or mental. Patience and calm are key to work in harmony with this object.
Such a nice description of each pendulum and its materials. it has a positive vibes.