The period of pregnancy is not an impediment to exercise your body, on the contrary, it is a great way to stay healthy and face the experience of pregnancy in the best way. Women benefit greatly from being physically active during pregnancy. Also, you can consider that during the first three months, the activity should be similar to that recommended for non-pregnant women.

During pregnancy the practice of certain physical exercise brings great health benefits because improves cardiovascular conditioning; correct the posture, prevents excessive weight gain, giving women a better overall physical condition to confront the work of pregnancy and childbirth with less risk. On the other hand, relieved digestive discomfort and constipation; reduce varicose veins; decreases anxiety, exhaustion, insomnia and depression. You can avoid the risk of preeclampsia, gestational diabetes and improved blood pressure.

However, it is important to consider a suitable exercise program during pregnancy period, which must consider important factors such as health status, medical advice and sports preferences of each mother. Similarly, if the pregnant woman does practice some sport; she can continue with the same activity, but in a moderate pace; if, however, you are not used to exercise, you’d better go to a center that offers special gymnastics for pregnant women.

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There are ideal sports for pregnancy and others you should avoid. What sports you can practice? Daily walking is very beneficial to health; will help you feel better, prevent fluid retention and maintain your ideal weight. Use comfortable clothing and shoes and walk on suitable surfaces and avoid slipping.

It is advisable to perform at least two and a half hours of moderate aerobic activity per week, and then decrease it with the growth of the abdomen and breathing capacity. Swimming exercises are very beneficial because train the muscles that suffer during pregnancy and those involved in childbirth tone; also activates blood circulation, help prevent swelling of the ankles, cramps and improve oxygenation.

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Yoga or Pilates eliminates the feeling of fatigue, because allows the body release tension through various movements coordinated with breathing; also strengthens the muscles of the abdominal wall of the pelvis, which are weakened during pregnancy and helps the baby to adopt the right position to be born.

El período del embarazo no es un impedimento para que ejercite su cuerpo, al contrario, es una excelente manera de mantenerse con buena salud y enfrentar la experiencia de la gestación de la mejor manera.

It is important to know which activities are contraindicated like diving, sports with risk of loss of balance or risk of abdominal trauma (horse riding, cycling, water skiing, tennis, skating, volleyball and basketball).

During pregnancy exercise is more beneficial than ever, because in addition to providing physical comfort to the mother, provides better fetal development. Make this practice a fundamental habit to prevent certain complications Get moving and enjoy your motherhood!