Monday, January 11th 2016. The President of Bolivia, Evo Morales; reaffirmed that through the appointed trial at the International Court of Justice (ICJ) at La Haya; he seeks justice for the crimes against humanity committed by Chile with the invasion of February 14th 1879, which left the country without sovereign access to the Pacific Ocean. It’s not just about begging Chile to gift them territory, but also what constitutionally belongs to Bolivia.

He took the chance to once more criticize Chancellor Heraldo Muñoz for having said that no court can make his country give up part of its territory. However, Morales emphasized that Bolivia expects its neighboring country to commit to the historic deal to restore the seashore territory with sovereignty.

Going back on history, on February 14th of 1879; Chilean troops disembarked in the then Bolivian Port City of Antofagasta, as one of the first military actions by Chile in the Pacific War. With this, the military operations that forced Bolivia to lose sovereignty over 400 kms of shore and 12.000 square kilometers began.


Plagued by the desire for absolute supremacy over the Pacific, and no matter the cost; many assure that Chile set up a spy network over most of the Bolivian territory in order to find their vulnerable moment, so that they could invade and pillage the port city of Antofagasta.

The Bolivian President insists this was an invasion and not a war, in which his country became landlocked. Later, in 1904, an unfair and forced treaty was signed; in which Chile affirms not having any unfinished business with Bolivia. For Morales, Chile’s pressure on not having any unfinished business is a provocation; and explained his objective is not division, but union between countries under fair agreements equal for all.


In year 2013, Bolivia presented a lawsuit before the ICJ, to state that Chile is forced to negotiate a sovereign sea outlet, according to the compromises assumed along the history of both Nations. These agreements have legal base, and in other opportunities Morales has shown some of these documents; that serve as base for his legal action at The Hague.

In turn, the judges of this high court ordered the defendant country to present their written claims up until July 25th. This ruling in favor of Bolivia, has motivated several changes in Chile; for example, naming Jose Miguel Insulza instead of Felipe Bulnes as agent before La Haya. To this, Morales invited Insulza, who is in good terms with him; to visit his country to remake their work agenda.