New Zealand is considered the “Jade Country”, this title is attributed to host own unique sites that are part of the cradle of this mineral. One is the “Te Wahipounamu” in the Maori language means the place of the waters of greenstone.

The place is located in the South Island, in the region of “Southland” in the southwest of New Zealand. It was declared a World Heritage Site by UNESCO in 1990.

Besides this, the “Te Wahipounamu” has four iconic and valuable parks, which are: “Aoraki / Mt Cook,” “Fiordland”, “Mount Aspiring” and “Westland”. It is a long journey that spans more than two million and a half hectares and that may well be harnessed to enjoy beautiful landscapes.

However, more than landscapes and fabulous beauty in them there is a strong concentration of jade, according to history, it was due to constant erosion of land that led to its existence.

Apart from the “Te Wahipounamu” New Zealand is also admired by the Hokitika” a municipality in the country, where the sale and purchase of jade is very common and frequent.

The stone comes from local rivers, and is processed and transformed into jewelry and ornaments. The experts carve until it becomes in a lush piece.

Jade has a high significance for Maori aborigines, who were the ancient inhabitants who were part of New Zealand, they took the mineral to make tools, weapons and ornaments.

It is the most common stone of New Zealand, therefore, it is very easy to get in stores, shopping centers and factories where, apart from exhibiting it to sell, also comply with the process of attention and transformation. In that country the jade is also known by the name of “greenstone” (greenstone), the name used at the time of European colonization.

We invite you to visit and to witness the great influence of New Zealand for the extensive and fruitful existence of jade, ready for purchase in the store you like most.



  1. Emily says:

    An incredible tweet. Everyday a new place is get to know considering the jade stone the main characteristic of different site around the world, it would be great to create a jade tour to be benefit with its properties 😉

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