The act of going through our couple’s phone, wallet, clothes, car and any place where they could hide the proof of some inappropriate or hidden behavior, or even suspicion of cheating, is more common than we think; and even though many of us can’t come to confess what we’ve done, or thought about doing, studies have determined that 1 out of 4 women have fell to this temptation. Jealous damn jealous!
Considering that technology is endless, an American security company has developed a GPS device that tracks every movement your couple makes, or at least their virtual steps; meaning text messages, phone calls, mobile contacts and Facebook. Almost everything you do through your smartphone is detectable by you. But don’t just think it’s that easy, because it requires your couple’s consent. Both of you need to download the same app to your personal phones, its name is “MCouple”
The app updates on every change on his phone every half an hour. Through an alert system it sends you their call and text records and even if they commented or got a ‘like’ on their Facebook account. In short, regarding tracking apps, there are divided opinions that differ from one another. Let’s meet the controversy.
For some, installing such an app on our phones is useful to locate a missing or stolen device, knowing with certainty and following up on our children, parents, elderly and sick’s location; and could be considered entirely valid. But for others, in our couple’s case, the act can be qualified as spying and it infringes fundamental rights.
Albeit social media and technology provide benefits to humans, it’s no less true than they have opened myriad possibilities for the unfaithful and for terribly jealous wives. Personally, I consider the topic deeper than whether or not you use such apps. If you feel you must use it because you mistrust your couple, because you need to be in control of everything to feel at ease, because you’re sure that at some point you’ll find that proof to erase your doubts, I guarantee that you’ll enlarge the divorce statistics percentage in which the words ‘Facebook’ or ‘Smartphone’ have been mentioned…which is pretty large by the way.
A very humble piece of advice: If this is your case I assure you that no action takes long to be found out. These apps are also not foolproof, because there are also apps that hide from GPS the data a user wants protected or hidden. The best thing is for you to nurture your relationship and keep it healthy and use the tools of technology for this end. Whether or not your couple cheats on you, I’m sure you don’t need an app to find out, deep down you know the answer.