Monday, January 4th 2016. Get to know the new app to stop smoking in this article. You don’t think it’s possible? Well, this text is aimed at the millions of people who, despite all their efforts, have not yet been able to suppress this vice out of their lives. Nowadays, perhaps technology can help you and if not, what do you have to lose right? One more step towards gaining the health and well-being we all want and deserve.
Regrettably, despite thousands of campaigns and messages inviting everyone to think about the consumption of cigarettes all over the world and in different contexts; there are still millions of people who aren’t able to quit. Victims of this habit assure they’ve done the impossible to stop smoking and that they have temporarily achieved it.
A significant number of these stories reveal that in spite of a variety of treatments that range from drugs to hypnosis, quitting cigarettes has turned their lives into a, thus far, impossible challenge; for even though they seem to be winning the battle, something suddenly pops up that inexorably makes them fall back in the arms of smoke and the taste of nicotine.
It would seem these campaigns about the damage and effects of cigarettes on your health are not that effective anymore, since unbelievably enough there are still smokers who don’t know the consequences of it on their organism and in their life. The fact is that technology, always aiming to create better living conditions for humans on the planet, is offering a new app that might help so many people who still have not managed to quit smoking permanently. Its name is ‘iCoach’. Let’s get to know what it’s about.
The app was created by the European Commission along with joint partners from same hemisphere countries, aware of the damage cigarettes cause in their population. They explained that the app, available for Android and Apple, can be used in 23 different languages and consists of 5 phases. Let’s see.
‘iCoach’ presents the smoking user with 5 steps consisting of different challenges that will bring them closer to a new smokeless life, depending on how well they perform. It even allows users to join a community of smokers that share the app; to share experiences and advance towards the goal together, keeping track of the daily challenges and as support in the bad moments.
The app is free and has been deployed among the 28 countries of the European Community, and even though it’s a novelty, reports of its effectivity are not yet known. Hopefully it will turn into a useful tool to quit smoking once and for all.