Nail discoloration is something no one wants. However, these white streaks or a tint of yellow, green, blue, and even black, do occur and we rarely know why. This is because the causes of discoloration of the fingernails and toenails are very diverse. Do you want to know what some of the causes of nail discoloration are and how to treat them? Well, we invite you to read to the end, so that you can clear up your questions.

Decoloración de las uñas Nail discoloration
Photo By Pxfuel

Causes of nail discoloration


While many things can negatively affect the colour and texture of your nails, fungus is often the main culprit. Thickened yellow or brown nails are signs of nail fungus. This occurs when a microscopic fungus infects one or more nails. These organisms normally thrive in dark, warm, and humid environments. So the inside of the shoes is a privileged place for the growth of fungus.

Fungal nails often start out as so-called “athlete’s foot”. There the skin is infected first, and then they will grow deeper into the nail. Making the nail discoloured, it thickens and the edges crumble. Which is definitely unsightly and a terrible problem.


Black or purple nails, on the other hand, are usually signs of what is called a subungual hematoma. This occurs when the nail has suffered an injury such as hitting or dropping something on the toes. Blood vessels bleed under the nail and stain it darker.

One option for dealing with a subungual hematoma is to simply wait. Over time, a healthy nail will gradually replace the damaged one. The problem is that toenails grow very slowly, about one millimetre per month. So it may take several months for a new, healthy nail to grow in and completely replace the other. Sometimes this bruise can be very painful and waiting a few months is not an option. So it may be necessary to go to a professional to remove the nail.


Nail discoloration like white spots or lines can also be caused by trauma from something like wearing a shoe that is too small while running.


Hereditary diseases can also play a role in nail discoloration. Such as psoriasis, which can lead to the development of psoriatic nails. These nails can become thicker, brittle, discoloured, and appear as if they are infected with fungus. Nail fungus can also be hereditary due to an inherited sensitivity.

What can you do about nail discoloration?

Rather than just accepting nail discoloration, it is important to see a podiatrist. This specialist will help you get some answers before tackling the problem on your own. You will likely have a nail exam and biopsy to find the reason for the discoloration, if any. After talking to your doctor and following their instructions. Here are some things you can try to whiten your nails and restore their health.

Wear the right footwear

Taking proper care of your feet can help prevent disease and nail discoloration in many ways. The best advice is to avoid walking barefoot in any public place. Also, you should wear only clean socks, avoiding reuse, as well as changing them frequently if you are doing prolonged activity.

Remember that dark, damp places are ideal for bacteria to thrive. Moisture wicking socks are a good option. You should avoid fabrics that stay wet, such as wool and polyester.

On the other hand, it is essential that the shoes have the perfect fit, that is, that they fit well to you. This will prevent repetitive micro trauma. It is also important to maintain constant nail cutting, filing, and grooming to avoid trauma and infections that cause discoloration.

Opt for a laser treatment

Lasers are not just for hair removal and anti-aging treatment. These are a painless way to treat certain nail discolorations. The laser treatment creates microspores in the nail bed, allowing the antifungal topical to penetrate the nail plate more efficiently and effectively, attacking the source of the nail plate more directly.

Research your nail salon

If you opt for professional pedicures, be sure to select only places that maintain good hygiene. These should give you the assurance that they properly disinfect tools, bathtubs and products between each customer. If you do not take this care, you run the risk of getting a fungus or bacterial infection. Something you should not be exposed to in what was supposed to be a little rest and relaxation.

Try home remedies

Finally, the answer for nail discoloration might lie in your kitchen cabinet. Apple cider vinegar is a great option. It contains acetic acid and alpha hydroxyl acid that have antifungal, antiseptic and antimicrobial properties. So they help fight nail fungus. In turn, they are more likely to improve the whitish appearance of the nail. Take a foot bath with one part of this vinegar and two parts of warm water to help treat the infected areas. Soak your feet for 20 minutes and then rinse.

Other very useful products for this condition are baking soda and toothpaste. Applied topically they can help to cosmetically improve nail coloration. As long as the nails are not permanently discoloured by trauma or underlying pathological conditions.

Keep in mind that the quality of your nails really depends on how well you treat your feet.

This article is informative and is not intended to serve as a diagnosis, prescription or treatment of any type of ailment. This information is not a substitute for consulting a doctor, specialist or health professional.

Explicit or implicit recommendations on drugs, techniques, products, etc, are cited for informational purposes only. The use of this information is carried out under the sole responsibility of the users.