Known as a disease that affects the bones, osteoporosis is undoubtedly one of the quietest known. Well, in its initial stage, it does not show symptoms until the loss of bone is so significant that fractures begin to appear. Therefore, this skeletal disease may involve concern for people over 30 years old, and usually at this age is when bone density begins to decrease  in most people.

However, people don’t know much about osteoporosis, so we invite you to discover some myths and truths about this disease:

1.- Only women suffer from this disease: False. Although statistics tell us that it is women who suffer most from this disease, since women have a faster bone demineralization compared to men, especially after 50 years old or after menopause; men can also suffer from it. This is shown by several studies, including that of the Spanish society of rheumatology, whose results indicate that one in five men after the age of 50 will suffer from osteoporosis.

2.- Osteoporosis can be prevented: True. According to Dr. Joseph Mercola, health expert and founder of, it is possible to reduce the risk of suffering from this disease if actions are taken from an early age. First is exercise, because it increases the absorption of calcium; also if done regularly, we will be strengthening the bones and decreasing the risk of fractures.

Second is the consumption of foods rich in essential vitamins and minerals such as calcium, omega 3 and vitamin K, from different sources, including vegetables and fish. In the same way, the consumption of vitamin D is very important, since it is indispensable for the assimilation of calcium; and our main source is sunlight. To do this, avoid the sun during the hottest hours and expose yourself   to sunlight at least two or three times a week for periods of 10 to 15 minutes.

3.- Osteoporosis occurs only because of a lack of calcium: False. According to several specialists, including Dr. Robert Thompson, MD, author of the book “The Calcium Lie”, although calcium is the main component of the bones, it is not the only one, because in its composition, they have at least a dozen more minerals. Therefore, an exclusive calcium supplementation could even weaken the bone density even more and predispose us to suffer from the disease.

4.- Osteoporosis can be diagnosed: True. Although osteoporosis is a disease that can be suffered without knowing or suspecting it, for the tranquility of many people, it can also be detected through a painless and non-invasive examination called bone densitometry.

5.- Osteoporosis is only due to age and lack of estrogen: False. While there is a relationship between the lack of estrogen after menopause and this disease, these are not the only risk factors that could predispose us, since there is also genetics, nutritional habits, poor exercise and some diseases such as hyperthyroidism or anorexia nervosa.


It is important to remember that although the risk factors vary, no one is exempt from suffering from osteoporosis, but it will be up to each one to identify their personal risks and take the appropriate measures to prevent it.