Two terms that often go hand in hand, both hide a mystery, that’s the reason why generally is misused or can cause confusion; is extremely necessary the certain knowledge of energies that govern human being acts, know the difference between mysticism and occultism.

Occultism is simply a combination of mysterious practices, often associated with magic and spiritism to find and use all the hidden nature. It is the sum of knowledge latent in every human being.

Meanwhile, mysticism depends on the mystical state, is the analogy of the soul with the sacred is commonly accompanied by ecstasy and revelations. It involves all religions, monotheists, polytheists and philosophers.

In the case of Christianity, the union with God may be accompanied by events such as the stigmata or sores; They are injuries that reproduce some of the wounds of Christ on the Cross. Similarly, it may be in conjunction with the bi; this is the event in which the saint or mystic is seen in two or more places at once. Really a mystery!


Mysticism became the desire of the personality by the soul, in short, turning their way to the “superior”; however, the occultism, is used from top to bottom, of the “core” to the personality that finally becomes their reflection. It is also important to know that the occultism begins its work when mysticism has been completed, so it’s necessary combining both disciplines to complement actions and obtain satisfactory results.

For many, mysticism is the intimate and direct experience of truth; a mystical considers the unity and diversity as one, sees unity in diversity, saying that the one and the multiple is one; that the one is multiple in its universal form and the multiple is one in its transcendental form. Although it seems a mouthful, is not it, refers to the essence of mysticism as such.

On the spiritual path we find these two necessary aspects to reach spirituality as such, then the occultism is secret, therefore sighs for it, wants to do everything with the utmost secrecy; while mysticism is ready to execute and deliver their achievement and transcendent wisdom to all who call for it.

Note that mysticism is not a religion, it is the highest aspiration that religion embodies; for most it is like a medicine that is used for those who wish to see and implore God or who are afraid to meet his face to the omnipotence and even for those who are totally incredulous. Finally, two streams which combined will take you to get the peace you need for the soul and with the Supreme Being.