In Sajalín’s island, in east Russia, an estrange phenomenon was photographed from a helicopter, this is the amazing mud volcano Pugachevski in eruption, that is equal to the human eye.

A volcano is a geological structure in which emerges from the earth’s nucleus magma, volcanic ash and gases. Mud volcanoes are formations created by gases and liquids excreted from the earth. When a decompaction occurs, gases are produced massively, making the mud reach the surface throughout earth’s cracks.

The photographer Mijail Mijáilov, affirmed there are an endless amount of mud volcanoes in the world. This footage was taken from a helicopter. It is definitely an estrange phenomenon, he con concludes.

A mud volcano is a minor form of setoff formed by a crater and a low cone but very wide due to its gentle slope; which origin is not related with the real volcanoes, except for a few exceptions, like in Wyoming, USA, in these cases, these type of volcanoes happen because of gas emanations related to the oil fields. They can be seen in Venezuela, Colombia and almost every oil countries and in some countries in south Europe, in southeast Asia and in other places on the world. Most of these type of volcanoes are around the Caspian Sea: approximately, 300 (between 700 that are known on the world), are in this zone. In some countries, as is Italy’s case, receive the name of sauces.

In these type of volcanoes, the ascent of gases from oil deposits are commonly shallow, they elevate a really hydrated clay which gets to form ponds and puddles where the emanation of bubbles can be seen. The emanated gases are formed mostly by gassy hydrocarbons and other types like methane and carbonic anhydride, and also sulfurous gases in minor proportion. Clay also contains certain quantities of solid hydrocarbons and salt proportions that are highly important. The different composition of the ejected materials gives the origin to different types of mud volcanoes. For example, if the solid and liquid hydrocarbons low emissions and the low proportion of clay are abundant, asphalt lakes are produced, like the biggest deposit of natural asphalt of Guanoco, in the east part of Venezuela, and “La Brea” in Trinidad, which is the second one in world scale.

The mud volcano Pugachevski, gas the aspect of a giant human eyeball from the air. This similarity made this image viral in social media.



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