The most common nightmares are disturbing dreams related to negative feelings, which produce feelings of fear, anxiety, terror or anguish. A dream state that most people end up waking up abruptly. And that in some cases prevents us from falling asleep again for hours. But, what meaning do they have?
Well, although the interpretation varies from person to person according to their history and experiences. The truth is that we all dream of very similar things. That according to Freudian theory, could be a signal sent by the subconscious that there are internal conflicts that we have not yet overcome. So let’s find out what some of the most common nightmares are and what conflicts they point to.
1. Dream that we are haunted, one of the most common nightmares
This is one of the nightmares that have more than one possible meaning. The first of them is that we are overwhelmed and stressed by situations that are happening in our lives. Which would be indicating the need for relaxation.
The second is that there is something we are avoiding, a problem or situation that we are afraid to face. And that as much as we ignore it, is the one that persecutes us wherever we go.
The third interpretation is related to the need for change in some aspect of our life. Or situations involving significant changes, such as a separation or a job change.
2. Dream that we are lost
The meaning of this nightmare can indicate many things. On one hand, the lack of self-esteem and self-confidence. This indicates that those who dream it must improve their self-concept.
In the same way, it can mean that we feel an emptiness because we need something in life. Example: a love relationship or a better job.
Although, it can also indicate that we are keeping feelings of sadness and anger in us and that we feel alone. Or that we have no control over our lives and do not know what to do or what direction to take. So its interpretation is a call to find inner peace and take lost control.
3. Dreaming about infidelity
This is one of the most common dreams or nightmares and also one of the more horrible, especially if we are very in love. Dreaming of infidelity represents guilt and insecurity in relationships that we have had in the past or that we currently have.
It is also a sign that we are looking for adventures, because currently our relationship does not satisfy us. Situation that leads us to dream of love affairs with people who attract our attention or with whom we have flirted.
When dreaming that we are unfaithful to our partner, another more logical and correct meaning is that there are characteristics that we do not like about him or her.
On the other hand, if we see our partner being unfaithful it means the restoration of their loving ties, a stage of happiness and that they will fall in love again, as at another time.
4. Dream about being late
The concern of being late for an important event, meeting, or appointment. It is one of the most common nightmares, especially in adults. So its interpretation is quite clear and generally means insecurity, or a challenge for which you are not prepared.
For example: being late for a wedding, a birthday or even a business meeting. It indicates that we live very quickly, that we have too many responsibilities, and that we are afraid of failing or not meeting someone’s expectations.
Likewise, dreaming of being late for work means lack of confidence in our abilities, that we do not feel valued and that we are afraid of losing our job. But whether it is being late for a flight or missing a train, the dream is telling us about missed opportunities.
5. Dream that we try to scream and cannot speak
This nightmare is linked to stages or moments in life in which we feel helpless in the face of difficulty in achieving something. It could mean that we have a lot to say, feelings to express or a lot of anger to expel. But that we have trouble expressing our feelings and emotions in real life.
Although its meaning may also be related to low self-esteem, that we believe that we are worth nothing and that others can trample on us. But inside we want to shout at others that they hurt us.
6. Dream that we are trapped
Finding yourself trapped is a type of nightmare that mainly denotes the inability to solve problems or find a way out of a certain situation in life. In the same way, it can mean that we are subject or restricted on a loving or professional level, a lack of decision and a great insecurity in ourselves.
Another possible meaning is that we are going through a stage of our life in which we do not have the freedom to decide, we do not own our actions, or we have to submit to the decisions of others.
7. Dream that we drown
The meaning of this nightmare can have several interpretations. One of them is that we feel overwhelmed by some important event. Or that perhaps we have put too much effort into something without obtaining the expected success.
Another possible interpretation is that the dream is warning us about some danger that lurks, either on the sentimental or economic level. And even problems that could overwhelm us to such an extent that we will not be able to overcome them.
Similarly, another meaning may be that we are going through a stage of life in which we feel that everything around us is collapsing and that we have no support. Which indicates to us that we should ask for help to solve our problems.
8. Dream that we forget something important
Generally, this is one of the most common nightmares and appears in moments of nervousness or stress about a particular event. That is why, in general, it can be interpreted as the concern to overcome certain obstacles to achieve a goal.
In the case of dreams where we forget people or situations, these could indicate that we have made mistakes that we want to forget, since they cause us shame and prevent us from feeling completely calm.
For its part, dreaming that we forget our children is a sign that we do not feel up to or distrust our abilities to perform a job or task and this causes us to miss opportunities in our lives.
As you can see these are just some of the most common dreams related to negative feelings. But they are not all, since in the dream world our subconscious can recreate infinity of situations mixing the real world and fantasy, in an attempt to find solutions to the problems that most torment us.