The moon exerts a mysterious influence on female sexuality, this because it takes 28 days to travel the zodiac wheel, and it coincides with the number of days of women’s menstrual cycle, so it is able to directly influence every woman’s libido.

The lunar energy deploys a great power over the right hemisphere, highlighting creativity, joy, tenderness and pleasure, so it represents sensuality, passion and love, affecting the sexuality in each woman.

The connections between the moon, moods and human emotions are a real mystery that not even scientists have been able to decipher. It affects the high and low tides, as well as the chemistry of our bodies, the female hormones, whose levels rise and fall during the month, affecting fertility and menstrual cycle.

When it coincides with a waxing moon, there are particular characteristics that influence each woman, such as feeling more energetic, optimistic and open. It is one of the stations in which they could more self-indulge sexually, through masturbation. In addition, it is propitious to test a fun, explosive, physical and earthly sexuality and what is important is the pleasure itself, the orgasm of one and not the other.

If, on the contrary, the moon is almost full, the body experiences greater sexual desire, they feel receptive and the body prepares for fertilization, since during this moon ovulation occurs and the libido is at its maximum expression. But this sexual force, should be used in a creative way, to show all that sensuality that characterizes each woman.

The pre-act as such, must be affectionate, tender, because the vibration is much more emotional than carnal. You want more consent, romanticism and what excites you most are caresses.

At the beginning of the new moon, the period of menstruation can begin. In this phase there is a possibility of re-building what is already done, you can also clean up and set aside what does not work, such is the case of energy and negative emotions. It is time to connect with your intuition and with your inner self.

During this cycle there are very few who dare to explore their sexuality, either by disgust or by grief, and it turns out that sometimes men are more relaxed with the issue. The truth is that if you try, you can experience deeper orgasms and develop a sense of spiritual connection.

Finally, another of the important phases of the moon is the waning one that offers the woman a time of maturation and, therefore, initiates the journey towards her interior, with a view to self-knowledge, and increases the awareness of her creative power, in this stage enjoying sexuality can be complex for many. However, if she makes it, she is very erotic and new positions can be explored.