The mind is one of the most important organs, and must exercise to help improve memory and other cognitive skills. Maintaining a hectic and stressful pace of life can prejudice physical and mental health, so experts recommend the stimulation or mental games occasionally.
It is noted that there are many diseases such as Alzheimer, which is a brain disease that causes problems with memory, thinking, and character or how to behave. Although it is an incurable disease until now, it can be prevented by exercising the brain. Many of the activities performed in daily life seem that they exercise the mind, but it is completely false, because some of them become mechanical and others do not produce a good effect due to stress or work pressure.
Cognitive simulation consists on exercising the mind by stimulations (such as games) to keep memory capability, language, behavior, among others. Some benefits of mental activity are:
- Extension of mental abilities as long as possible.
- Promotion of autonomy and person’s self-esteem.
- Improvement of social interaction.
- Diminution of anxiety and confusion.
According to the website, the following activities can help the cognitive stimulation, provided that you dedicate them few minutes per day to avoid problems at the stage of aging.
The main thing is the habit of reading, which strengthen the capacity for understanding and creativity. So how to go back to those old board games, such as memory game or memoramas to enhance the memory.
If you are left or right handed, getting away completely from routine and use the other hand may arouse certain parts of your brain that this one does not use regularly. To activate your mental capacity, you can use music as a tool, learn to play a musical instrument.
There is always something new to discover, learning a new word every day helps your analytical skills, memory and learning, take a dictionary! Mind games are interactions designed to activate different brain activities, which tend to be asleep under the routine that you follow daily.
Video games are the most entertaining way to exercise the brain, so be sure to investigate the best games of skill such as action and strategy, and download it to your mobile o PC.
Finally, you should not disregard a balanced diet, the best foods that contribute to concentration and memory are: fish, dark chocolate, spinach, grapes, nuts, berries, avocado, apple, cinnamon, among others.
There is no perfect healthy lifestyle routines, and not even a perfect life. The problems can sometimes be unavoidable, we lose nothing helping our body to be preserved. Exercising the mind few minutes a day is fun and healthy!
How interesting, this tweet has giving me the urge to know more about this topic. Definitely a healthy mind is paramount to be efficient and effective when performing daily activities and avoiding metal diseases.