If you are one of those girls that are fascinated by the fact that their eyes are always with a perfect make-up, under a effect of brightness, style, seduction and great pronunciation, without doubt, this is for you. The “Smokey Eyes” effect is a type style “smoked” who came to stay, is an excellent trend of the make-up fashion to be able to pronounce, deepen and highlight your eyes beautifully.

If you want to apply it, then we invite you to pay very close attention to each one of the steps that will be presented to you, so that you achieve this spectacular effect.

To start this makeup, you must first apply “base or concealer” around each eye, and also by the side of the dark circles. Remember that the color of the concealer or the basis that apply in these areas, must be a little more clear that the normally tone used to cover the rest of your face.

Once you’ve applied the concealer, apply a light or translucent shade to go highlighting the area of the eye, blur very well the shadow, applying it with a “sponge” brush, considering the thickness of the same and the size of your eyelids, to cover as quickly as possible.

The next step is to outline the contour of the eyes, applying the black color eye pencil, or shade with a thin brush. Go drawing from the lacrimal tip until the end of the edge of the tabs of your upper eyelid, wait for it to dry very well, and then in the same way apply it with the lower. You can apply eyeliner on the internal part of each eye, to highlight them even more.

Just go complying with these steps, you will notice the great change in your gaze; however, it is not ended yet. Comes the special moment that achieves the effect “smoked” or “Smokey Eyes”, and is the applied of the black shadow. For this, start makeup with a brush “sponge”, the trace that from the beginning made with the eyeliner. Do it in process of blurring, since the beginning of the same, until you reach and cover to the sunken part of the eye, where is the arc of the eyelid. Once you do, you can use a brush “diagonal” to apply, with the black shadow, details in the commissures of the eye, thus giving perfection and above all, depth.

To complete the style can be applied in your eyelashes three layers of “mascara or mask” of black color, waiting that each layer to dry very well before applying the next.

That is all! Easy, right? In this way you’ll get the style “Smokey Eyes” in very quickly and easily way. As you already realized, is a style highly practical and adaptable to all tastes and personalities; however, everything else is from your part, if you want to apply and combine shades of colors that come from your own interest. Enjoy it!


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