Fans of astronomy contemplate and record the phenomena of the universe when perfect alignment. According to experts, lunar eclipses are phenomena that surprise every time the three stars the sun, earth and moon are aligned so that the land will block sunlight and produce a shadow cone-shaped called umbra, which completely clog the satellite.

There are three types of lunar eclipses, which differ from each by the intensity of the shadow that darkens the moon. The first is called total lunar eclipse occurs when the moon is completely in the umbra of the earth and darkens on 100%.

Similarly, there is a partial eclipse of the moon, occurs when only a part of the moon is touched by the umbra shadow of the earth. Third and finally there is prenumbral eclipse is when the moon passes through the prenumbral tract of land, a lighter shade than the umbra, this way when the fact the moon darkens so little that is almost imperceptible to the eye.

Lunar eclipses are observable phenomena from anywhere in the earth, the phenomenon can last for hours and does not require the use of projectors sight to enjoy special event. According to information from NASA, lunar eclipses occur about twice a year, although not all are Total.

As for the meaning in the spiritual aspect of eclipses, when the phenomenon occurs influences on the decisions you can make for your life, similarly, the things you omit in your life and which you not give importance, and projects that have been permitted to finish; because in the next waning days of the cycle, they have a direct relationship with the future coming to you.

The lunar eclipse is a full moon that will bring you new beginnings, so you can leave behind bad habits and begin practicing new activities that strengthen your spirituality. Eclipses also have a high impact on relationships, can increase the desire and need of each other or on the contrary, you get them away completely, facing a crisis that can lead to separation.

During this phenomenon, the perfect time, to reflect on the employment situation, relationships and physical and mental health that you own, is constituted. This is because the eclipses represent as opposed to what happens with the stars; for example, a shadow period in humans is reflected as a period of clarity and alertness.

These are moments of mirroring where you see yourself in the others, if you are willing to look closely. The practice of personal rituals can help positively, take what the moon places at your disposal and enjoy your dark-light.