In astrology, the fate of a person has to do directly with the zodiac sign and the day he was born. The reason for being is that every day of the week, it is governed by a different planet and knowing it, is to take advantage of that cosmic energy of the best moments so that the natives of a certain sign, enjoy planetary influences to the fullest. Therefore, if you check your horoscope and its various mysteries, to have more luck and success in your goals, then get ready to know the exact occasion, according to the zodiac.

According to astrology, each sun sign is ruled by a planet; likewise, every day of the week is ruled, too, by a planet; this leads us to the possibility of having one or more days of good planetary influence to achieve the goals. Here we tell you about the lucky days of each sign:

Let’s start with Aries. The planet with the most influence on Aries is Mars, for that reason, Tuesdays are the best day for those who are under this sign. If your sign is Taurus, the planet that rules is Venus and its proper day is Friday, so everything you want to improve in connection with your love life you could try it those days.

About Gemini, the planet that rules it is Mercury and as it always does his own, take advantage of it on Wednesdays to undertake any new project you have in mind. If we talk about Cancer, Monday is your day, because the moon is the absolute owner of that sign. The next sign is Leo, who is ruled by the sun, one of the best allies; so, your lucky day will be every Sunday, enjoy it to the fullest to renovate yourself. We get to Virgo, and like Gemini, Mercury also rules it, so on Wednesdays, you will have the luck activated that you wish so much.

The luckiest days for those born under the sign of Libra, are Fridays, since Venus is the ruling planet. Tuesdays go to a Scorpio; an appropriate day for the development of new ideas and investments, and its ruler is Mars. Now we go into Sagittarius ruled by Jupiter and full of an energy that will make Thursdays the luckiest day of this sign. Capricorn, on the other hand, ruled by Saturn, will have Saturday as a lucky day, when it will accumulate greater strength and energy. Like Capricorn, Aquarius, a water sign, will be lucky on Saturdays, thanks to Saturn, its planet.

And to complete the zodiacal round, Pisces appears, sharing Thursday with Sagittarius, as the most special day of the week because they will feel very prepared to face any problem, thanks to their ruling planet, Neptune.

Something important that we must add, is that you should not forget to check your rising sign, because like your sun sign, you will find another day that can benefit you in the search of your luck.