They say that the distance creates oblivion… A relationship in which there is not proximity is a real dilemma, and phrases like ” far away love, happy the four!” They are the daily bread if we found our soulmate but not is close… How to keep love alive?

Internet allows you to meet new people, but be careful, because not all are reliable; as it is a medium that provides ease to lie. If that person who likes you, treat him a get to know him well. If you want to see him personally, go accompanied on your first date, to make sure that is the person you think, without risk.

If your case is that your partner must move away for work, family or other reasons, first of all you must decide whether or not to continue the relationship. It has to be a mutual commitment; if both are ready, go! Distance relationships survive on communication. The idea is to feed your hearts every day and prevent the absence ends up to come between you.

Maybe you cannot physically see it, but the technology will give you the opportunity to be with that person in real time. It is impossible that doubt does not cross your thoughts, but confidence is essential to end with it. Every time you say something about your partner, remember a happy moment who have lived together, instead of feeding the weeds. Keep the relationship and not let anyone judge it.

A relationship is a challenge, not an impossibility. You should know that will not be free of bad times. For example, you will face jealousy and will feel afraid of him being unfaithful; but this is avoided with confidence. Another problem is the physical absence; but with cell phones, webcams, email and chat are the facilities to shorten distances. In every relationship, it is important not to ignore the problems but face them with great maturity and love.

Do not let distance beats you! Make him part of your life! Send pictures of important, everyday moments. Make him feel near to you in every moment of your day. Share even what seems insignificant; also, fears, joys and accomplishments.

Communication is important. If both want it to work, it will be. It is a matter of faith: while the two continue to believe in his love, will continue together. Be there. Call him, send messages to his phone, emails …to make him think of you!

Remember, it only takes desire of both to move forward. If appears the distance between your partner and you, do not be alarmed. Despite the difficulties, it is not impossible. Everything is achieved through commitment, honesty and communication.



  1. Anne says:

    Nice tips but it is very difficult, especially if the distance is practically impossible to beat. Such as cross continent relations 🙁

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