All quartz offer countless of benefits. They are beautiful and full of energy, making them one of the most powerful stones in nature. In this particular case we will talk about blue quartz, also known as celestial calcite, due to its deep blue color, sometimes with some shades of gray. This quartz is used commonly, from optical instruments to sandpaper.

However, what can be said about its properties? Blue quartz can help you become more tolerant, giving you wisdom to know how to handle stressful situations better and act positively towards life. Since it also awakens honesty, it allows us to discover a warmer side within ourselves.

Need help dealing with acceptance? This quartz will nurture and let your most understanding side flourish, helping you deal with people, situations and opinions you once simply didn’t accept. Forget all prejudice and mockery, and allow yourself to harmonize with your soul, giving you the peace you want and need.

Physically, it acts especially on lungs, taking care of any disease that we may suffer. It works by clearing the respiratory tract and cure any discomfort resulting from rhinitis, pharyngitis and sinusitis. Also, it’s considered an excellent anti-inflammatory. Many recommend using it if you want to cure diseases such as: gastritis, duodenitis and colitis. From a sensory perspective, this blue stone energizes the senses, helping clear the mind and rest it by fostering understanding and patience.


Some believe this stone is even capable of helping those who do not have life goals and constantly avoid responsibility for their own personal fun. These who do not care about the opinions of others and want to continuously party can be helped with this quartz.

Blue quartz is especially connected to Pisces and due to its color it brings peace and tranquility, as well as balance and calms the mind.

Want to break behavior patterns? Have faith in this quartz and never again make the same mistakes again. Break free from the negative behaviors you learned from your parents and start to shape your own destiny.

Remember: clean and energize your crystals so their properties continue to have effect! Since this quartz represents water, the best way to clean and energize it is to wash it with water and leave it in the sun for a couple of hours.

To awake new positive qualities within you is not quite easy. However, now you have an option. Use this wonderful quartz every day and see how you will smile at the world, while the world smiles back at you. Have faith in it and allow your life to be filled with happiness.