Normally, people by the fast pace of the life they lead focus on material goods; in other words, they are very connected with the physical world, and do not realize the details, let alone one of the most important aspects for their personal growth which is the spiritual world; that part been fed by our being and that allow us to transcend to the plane of spirituality, connecting us with it.
Spirituality can be defined in many ways, but in few words, is about what we have inside: the goodness and love in our being, and how we relate to others, allowing us to be in harmony with the universe.
Moreover, spirituality has to do with realizing that there is a Creator and that we are God’s creation; it allows us to recognize and respect all living beings around us such as people, animals, plants, landscapes, and so on which help us to achieve peace and calmness so as to become whole in mind, body and spirit.
Accordingly, it is extremely important to connect with our spiritual side from the inner love, but especially for others in order to find our inner light, the one that allows us to turn our spirits by giving us the possibility to help others. To achieve this, we need to remain calm and serene, in a relaxed state in which our mood swings do not appear in the room, because it is impossible to find emotional balance if we are not connected with our spirituality.
In addition to this, it is imperative that we realize that we are spiritual beings who are living an experience in the physical world, so at the moment that we understand that, it is easier for us to find that connection with spirits. You also need to know yourself, this will help us connect with our essence and mission in life; and finally, we must maintain our innocence, which allows no evil or bad intentions in us or towards others. These simple steps will allow us to open up to spirituality.
To learn how to connect with our spirituality, firstly, we should be relaxed and concentrated on our breathing; we should breathe deeply, allowing our body to relax and the thoughts and emotions to flow more smoothly, without disruptions. This must be taken as a habit to make it more effective.
Likewise, meditation is an excellent way to link ourselves with all our energy and it also helps us become aware of our feelings and thoughts and everything that blocks them and leaves them clearly.
On the other hand, it is extremely important to work in our empathy with others, put ourselves in the place of others will make us understand why they act in a certain way. We must strengthen our compassionate side and the ability to serve others; this will help us joint with other human beings and feel better from within.
Meditation is essential to be at peace with ourselves and connect with our inner desires.