The kyanite is a mineral of metamorphic rocks derived from the group of the silicates; its hardness varies according to the crystallization of it. Its blue color makes it a mineral easy to identify. Tends to be an unusual jewel, is one of the precious stones more difficult to carve and sensitive to heat.

The kyanite stimulates your gifts and intuition, is a mineral very used in meditation. If you want to grow spiritually, this stone amplifies all your psychic qualities. Open the doors to connect with your spiritual guides.This stone makes easier to remember astral travels, also it causes healing dreams.

Aligns our chakras, repair our body. This stone motivates you to tell the truth by deleting fears or locks that do not allow you to be free, improving the expressions at the hour of communicating. Removes everything that you blocks and doesn’t let you think go to the frustration, it helps to use the logic with greater ease.

This stone helps you to understand that destiny and karma doesn’t exist, teaching you that at this level everything is governed by its cause and effect, and nothing is written. Physically regulates the temperature of our body, it is ideal to get fevers down, serves as an analgesic, help you to lose weight and cleanses us from any infection.

It is one of the most powerful stones you can find today because it is able to increase the capacity of our mind and break down barriers. It will take us where we want to go; brings peace, calm, dissolves worries, stimulates us to don’t give up until we achieve our objectives.

 The kyanite

 The kyanite does not hold any type of energy, so it does not need to be cleaned. It has a great power in the meditation allows us to be able to have visions that take us to the future and collect information that might help here in the present. It is able to enter in our physical body to cure diseases that are saved. Faithful to the person who carries it with her, help us focus on what we want to not lose energy on other things that make us move forward slowly.

Acts as a protector against some people that want to harm you, attracts people toward you and makes them see you as a trusted person; therefore, it is ideal for doctors, lawyers, businessmen and bankers. Expands our creativity, guides us toward the path of success and glory.

The kyanite connects you with the highest state of the mind, is the bridge between the spiritual energy and the conscious mind. The human mind is not ready to receive responses that come from inside, it’s simply trained to perceive very superficial answers.

When we find other sources of knowledge, the mind begins to throw out the old and to be nourished with the new. This powerful energy allows us to forget of past thoughts and emotions to fill us with spiritual energies. If we don’t start to discard everything with which we are programmed or with what we have learned from past generations, we will repeat patterns of behavior that does not leave us to develop our true power.