Thursday, December 9th, 2015. On Tuesday, December 8th, it had been 35 years John Lennon’s death; one of the most famous artists of the twentieth century and icon today. Lennon was 40 years at the time of his murder.

John began his career at age of 20 when she met Paul McCartney Mc; who would be his companion for the most popular band of all time “The Beatles”. Its official members were John Lennon, Paul McCartney, George Harrison and Ringo Star. The band became the most important until its dissolution in late 60. The group recorded more than 20 albums of study that include “Help” “Let it be” Revolver, “Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band “and” Abbey Road “. As he stressed by his solo album “Imagine”, which gives its name to one of the most beautiful songs in the world, a hymn of peace.

The Beatles immediately came up with the duo of composers Lennon-McCartney, by the way their characters were merged to create fresh and cheerful songs like “I want to hold your hand”; resulting daring for the greater public, but loved by young people.

Youth identified themselves with the lyrics, besides the unconditional love of fans by the musicians; it created something called Beatlemania. These guys recorded discs with unparalleled ease, exposing an enormous amount of singles that soon iconic pop culture topics would become. Live performances caused mass hysteria.

The band has two stages, juvenile, wild with songs of love and rebellion; and the stage of psychedelia, where Lennon was more involved socially, experimenting with hallucinogens such as LSD; which it is credited with the creative process of Lennon songs like “Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds” and “Strawberry Fields Forever”.

This learning joined Lennon to Yoko Ono, the woman who complemented him spiritually; later becoming a solo artist. Throughout the 70s, Lennon became more aware of the human condition, he became an example and inspired love and respect for their fans; He had a sociable and obliging character.


The December 8, 1980, he signed a record one of his fans Mark David Chapman; who would expect more late hours at his home in New York with a gun; shooting him five times in the back and causing his death an hour later. Today the murder remains in prison.


Lennon loved arts, he was defined as an icon for all that he represents as a man and as a musician. Each day we give tribute to what he meant and try to find the peace that we both commented on his utopian “Imagine”.