Japanese mythology is one of the most different in the world, because it has over 800,000 deities, based on what is called Shintoism, which means “the voices of the gods.” This is the second most influential religion in the eastern region. Several studies estimate that it has over 110 million believers, which is only surpassed by the millennial traditions of Buddhism.

It also has a fundamental characteristic, which is considered strange by many people, and it is related to the difficulty of understanding a myth. The best-known Japanese gods are Raijin, “God of Thunder”; Fujin, “God of the Wind”; Amaterasu, who the creation of the world is attributed to. Besides them, the Japanese also believe in dragons, as well as the yokai or spirits and demons, among others.

This mythology is part of a large complex system, where there is a position for the gods known as the great Shinto pantheon and over 8 million gods or spirits, called “Kami”. Experts say that the influence of the Chinese culture has not been able to reach the Japanese, who are extremely rooted in their customs.

The believers of this mythology usually follow traditions of Shinto and Buddhism, and the conventional beliefs are based on the Kojiki, Nihonshoki and other complementary texts of this culture. The literal translation of the Kojiki is “the record of ancient things”, and it is considered the oldest book of legends and Japanese history, while Nihonshoki is the second oldest, and it is focused on the Buddhist culture.

The word ‘Emperor’, which means “heavenly Sovereign” in English, derives from the origin of the imperial family and what represented them as divine descendants for so many years.

One could write a lot about Japanese mythology, but one of the most interesting things about it is the beliefs in legendary creatures known as Chinese and Korean dragons. The Ryu is one of the four divine beasts, and is often used in emblems of emperors and heroes as a sign of honor and respect. It has the characteristics of a Chinese dragon, which are called “Long”; it has a snake body, a crocodile head, lizard scales, cat eyes, a salamander nose, eagle claws, lizard claws, a lion mane and a catfish mustache.

Despite their relevance, dragons are rarely mentioned in the Japanese mythology. However, they are recognized, especially Yamata-no-Orochi, a terrible monster of eight heads. Understanding mythology is the beginning of beliefs in every part of the world, but the Japanese culture offers different options for people to choose what to believe in.