Jade is a gemstone that has brought blessings to human hands; It was the most popular in different cultures as ancient China and ancient Mexico. Jadeite was considered a stone of great spiritual value in Mayan culture; represented the blue water, the green of our beautiful nature and fertility; also it was believed to represent the man’s breathing, that is, the whole of life. Formerly, this stone was associated with having magical powers attributed to the universe, and unique healing properties; becoming one of the most important stones in history.
In China, the real jade or also called nephrite was one of the most valuable among the gems. Jade is a stone that symbolizes the power and status of the person who obtained it, as it was often used by rulers and priests.
Existed Cultures dedicated to the extraction of this rock, called ” Jade civilizations’, giving it a sacred value to this material given by our mother earth, unique in beauty and surprisingly durable. In a raw state, jadeite and nephrite need a specialist to check their authenticity and purity; hardness that characterizes these beautiful gems, require a great effort by those who choose to turn them into sculptures or some ornamental piece.
With a Jade stone various ceremonial and funeral objects were performed, along with various ornaments and figures of great historical value. This beautiful and great power, mineral joined ancient China and the prehispanic Mexico. The great importance of jade made them create an exhibition called ” Stones of Heaven, Jade Civilization ”, commissioned to show the public, various pieces made with this stone, in addition to the differences and similarities of this valuable stone in both cultures.
These two very different cultures and located almost at opposite poles of the earth, have something in common, is that for many years, jade has been one of the stones with more value, both spiritual and physical. Incredibly, the two cultures had similar rituals and beliefs about this stone and its power. he name jade is used to generalize the two different gems, which are nephrite and jadeite. Nephrite was the most widely used in China, often used to create large sculptural pieces for its softness to be carved; while jadeite was the most used in Mexico; however, of these gems jadeite because of the rarity and difficulty to be found, it has more value.
Jade is a very hard stone, translucent, and high brightness when polished; in Mexican culture it was valued more than gold and silver. Symbolizes immortality, and therefore, is widely used in Chinese culture in funeral events with a great reputation as a good luck charm. The great virtues represented by this stone are unique, thus becoming one of the most important stones at spiritual level.
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