The jade stone has healing properties that soothe and control the central and peripheral nervous system, as well as the immune system, making the body to heal in a requiring maximum intervention. It also protects the body against damage. Therefore, it is often used in massage therapies to ease tensions and strengthen organs. Massages are a typical deep-rooted tradition and an art from ancient China, whose people were the first to apply this practice.
The use of jade in a massage provides great circulation. If applied in the legs, it will help to eliminate varicose veins and prevent cellulite. It is an excellent stimulant to relieve sore muscles and reduce the aging process.
At the same time, it is involve in diseases such as rheumatism, arthritis, and bone pain, among others. If you want to use it in your massage therapy or simply just to be filled with relaxation and healing properties, then we recommend you to do the following:
To make the process more successful, it is necessary to be in a quiet and very peaceful place, you can be in your own room, but not in the bathroom.
Lie on your bed, but placed the furniture on the floor. Yes, on the floor. Believe it or not, the soil helps to relieve back pain caused by poor posture. Once you are lying, you can pass the stone through your body; rub it well with your hands, making an attempt to heat your skin with the stones, it is in its nature to remain always cold. In doing so, you will be connected with the jade, creating a union of knowledge and attraction between you two.
Moreover, pass it on the affected areas with a gentle circular massage. Display the powerful intervention of the stone as an ailment, believing in its power to speed your recovery.
You can apply a hydrating cream before you start massaging or while you are doing it, although it is ideal that the stone is acting by itself.
If desired, place it on the floor and then put your feet up to massage them too. This is done in order to ease the tension or pressure generate by walking. By placing the jade stone in the area of pain or discomfort is the most recommended, it will help you to be in a complete state of positivity which is influenced by the stone.
In each massage prepare the environment, put a nice music and if you like incense, light them on; most people get nervous when seeking new alternatives to heal the body.
oh a delightful massage, so need it in times of craziness.