Pregnancy is one of the largest and most rewarding experiences of life, therefore all women yearn to live it, but what we dream when that time comes, is that some symptoms that can be annoying don’t manifest. However, due to the changes we experience in our bodies during the nine months, could manifest itself in greater or lesser extent, making for some the experience is a bit traumatic to suffer bouts of insomnia, anxiety, depression, etc.; reason why, you will need to overcome them physically and mentally.

This is how there are some ways to achieve this, one being the use of alternative therapies like gem therapy, which uses the energy of stones to harmonize the body’s energies, since according to this, the energy stagnation is responsible for all diseases; as well as physical and mental ailments of all living beings and especially humans.

For this, the gem therapy employs many types of stones, according to which we can use them for an application or another, being among the most used for its healing properties the Jade, It is considered a sacred stone, for civilizations like China and the Mesoamerican civilizations because helped them to have good luck and protected them from disease. Therefore, it can be used during pregnancy obtaining the following benefits:

  • Helps regulate the heartbeat, which contributes to the smooth functioning of the heart because it must work overtime to meet the demand keystrokes that both mother and baby.
  • Strengthens the immune system, with which we will be less likely to get sick and therefore the baby will be protected.
  • Stimulates the proper functioning of the kidneys, so body detoxification is favored while avoid fluid retention caused by kidney problems, usually produced in the third trimester of pregnancy.
  • Helps fight the anxiety of pregnancy, which is generated during the process of gestation and intensifies in the weeks before the arrival of the baby.
  • It helps to have pleasant dreams, due to its relaxing effect, which is very favorable because many mothers usually have continuous episodes of insomnia.
  • Assistance during childbirth by holding it in your hand or place it on the body.

Remember that all women may be affected by pregnancy, although some have had a dream of the first time experience the following may not be so, but from you do depend, using the “Jade”, but will depend of you, making use of the Jade”. This stone and gem therapy, can be used as an alternative to dealing with the symptoms of pregnancy; its use does not replace moderate exercise, a balanced diet and the indications of your doctor, but if you can complement carrying it always. Will be a great ally!