Often we can feel tired of life; as if nothing went well for us and we are not destined to succeed. The lack of prosperity can become discouraging at some point. But this must change. The strength of the jade stone can be the solution you seek.

This famous rock was used by the Mesoamerican indigenous and ancient Chinese. It is a symbol of beauty and emotional stability; its healing properties are unrivaled, it prevents diseases, such as kidney and circulatory issues and it is also used as a talisman that attracts abundance and progress in life.

Travel on a prosperous path involves not only having money or lucky days during the year; it means that we are prosper and thankful with the things we have; and the jade stone is bursting with privileges to all who use it. But they manifest that you must perform a ritual activation.

For this ritual we need a jade stone, either a raw stone or one used as an accessory, but should be a real jade. A convenient way to determine whether the jade is real is to put under a strong light, this should show tiny cracks if it is genuine.

We require a candle; the color of this will depend on the grace we expect to receive. The candle symbolizes yellow gold and wisdom; this color will fill us with money and material goods. Furthermore, green, relates to nature; it is used for health and to improve communication with our environment. An orange candle is the image of creativity and intelligence in life, using this candle might awake in us the power and success in business.

After selecting the color of the candle that we will use during the activation, you should think about a secluded place, it is important to avoid interruptions from the moment we started the ritual to its completion.

If we want to achieve the ideal meditation posture, the first thing to do is to sit on the floor; for this, you can use a mat or a cushion. The back should remain straight but without tension; that is, you must have your arms relaxed. The legs should be crossed and the main thing is to feel comfortable with this position

It is our inner energy towards charge the will activate the energy of the jade stone; hence we must focus on that thought. You must create a link between the journey, the stone and our being; the images generated in our mind must be reflected on our desires; either better luck or greater fortune; our thoughts must show good intentions. Meditation can last for about half an hour, but the candle should stay on until it is completely consumed.

Being the jade stone a generator of positive vibes, it only works with people carrying positive ideas. The power of the universe is manifested through this stone, whether filled with good ideals; we will be blessed with kindness.