The most fearful day has arrived; your child is travelling alone. It seems a time of uncertainty and excitement since they are on their first adventure. Today some tips and advice will be recommended so as to feel certain that everything goes as you wish.
Firstly, you should know that the required age for a child to travel alone is 12 years old and over. Under this age range (5-11 years) the infant has to travel with someone who assume complete responsibility; and most definitely, this person should have-in average- 16 years of age or older. (These standards vary according to the airline). If the companion is not a sibling, a written request must be submitted by one of the parents as a security measure. This authorization entails complete information of the child, destination address, the parent’s phone number and -if required- their passports and visas.
What is more, you can ask for the companionship service at the airline for children between the ages of 5-12 years old. Having met these requirements, here are some pieces of advice: book the ticket with 48 hours advantage and, it is advisable to give the child extra copies of telephone numbers, both the destination and its place of origin; and make sure to stay at the airport until the flight has departed.
On the other hand, if a teenager is traveling for the first time, give them the autonomy to build up their own trust while deciding for themselves. You have decided they are mature enough to perform this trip. Asses their ability to commitments and verify if they have developed a sense of responsibility.
It is recommended that children taking their first solo trip, for safety reasons, travel in groups. Make sure to meet each of the traveling friends and their fathers, for group support. Knowing their itinerary is also reassuring and finally, money provisions are always necessary.
Remember that these trips will help them increase their independence for a better and confident future. Encourage your children, your child needs you!
Very interesting article, although I don’t have children, this may be of use for my brother! he has two little girls
There is always the fear of leaving our children to travel alone but it is a great opportunity to give them freedom and see if they are responsible.
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