Located about 32 km north of Cartago, in Costa Rica, Central America, the Irazú Volcano is located in the National Park of the same name. Its shape is subconical irregular and it has 3,432 meters of altitude and five well differentiated craters.

The volcano has 3 main structures, which are an active crater of 1000mts in diameter, a depth of 180mts and houses a beautiful lake. The second structure is the inactive Diego de la Haya Fernández crater, with a depth of about 80 meters deep and elongated shape.

The third area is a long semi-flat structure that corresponds to the remains of an old terrace called Playa Hermosa; however, throughout the area you will find volcanic structures.

When visiting the Irazú Volcano National Park you can enjoy an extensive variety of the flora and fauna of the area, although the diversity of animals is low, due to its altitude, deforestation and volcanic activity.

On the outer slope of the main crater there is an area called “Las Fumarolas” that emits water vapor and gases. The temperature varies between -6 to 17 ° C and it is a very humid, cold weather. In the months of December to April the drought prevails and between May to November it is rainy season.

The best time to visit the Irazú Volcano is the morning, since you can enjoy the clear area and little cloudiness, which increases during the day. On the west side of the main crater, on clear days, you can observe the Pacific and the Atlantic, and you could even enjoy Lake Nicaragua.

It is an area of ​​great hydrological importance, since several rivers that are born feed the river basin such as the Chirripó, Reventazón River, Sarapiquí River and Río Grande de Tárcoles. Also, in the area there are many areas dedicated to agriculture and livestock, such as Tierra Blanca de Cartago. In nearby areas you can visit sites of great tourist interest such as the Durán Sanatorium and Prussia Park, among others.

It is a site of easy access, with a variety of services such as paved road, parking, gazebo, trails, cafeteria, health services, information office and lunch area. You can visit the Volcano every day of the week, including holidays, from 8:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.

It is recommended to wear appropriate clothing, which protects you from the cold and the wind. The best season to visit it is the months of March and April, since it is the dry season and you can enjoy the best view of the Atlantic Ocean and the Pacific Ocean, on clear days.

If you are a nature lover, it is advisable to enjoy the entire National Park, as it is a tourist site par excellence. To get to the Irazú Volcano National Park, you can travel by car or bus from Cartago. If you are in the capital, San José, the journey is 50 kilometers west to Cartago.