Infidelity is a situation that occurs in a high percentage of relationships that are not working, although it also occurs sometimes when relationships are working well, since it usually has more to do with desire than with sex itself. Definitely, this is a situation that must be addressed between the couple, since assuming that having a good relationship prevents infidelity is a common mistake.

Boredom and fear of intimacy are among the most common reasons for infidelity in men; while in women it is the desire for intimacy and the feeling of being alone in the relationship. On the other hand for men infidelity is related to sex primarily and for a woman is the emotional part translated into seduction.

According to this, one of the ways to take care of the relationship before an infidelity is communication, this is vital to set the limits of the relationship and commit to loyalty. Therefore, the couple must openly state what their limitations are, since there is not just one single reason to be unfaithful and there are different ways to be unfaithful as well.

Well, although there is no established pattern to prevent infidelity in the relationship, it is important to be creative, open, sincere, have a fluent communication and avoid taking things for granted. Establish your needs and expectations regarding the relationship, so that you continue to feel that it makes sense to be in a couple. Likewise, it is important to frequently evaluate the state of the relationship, not to expect quick and miraculous solutions, since an infidelity requires a joint work and mutual agreements to be able to solve the situation.

On the other hand, it is important to surround yourself with people who contribute to a stable relationship, and who are not the reason for negative behavior. You must recognize how to act in your environment, with the people around you and with whom you share your time with.

Commit to the growth and strengthening of the relationship by establishing goals with your partner, because although any relationship may fall into infidelity, the management of the situation may prevent it from affecting the person who suffered it.

Feed the desire. There are times when desire increases and times when it decreases. That is not a problem. However, before any doubt, it is much easier to eliminate the fear of infidelity by talking about the subject, expressing your concerns and feelings.

Do not let conflict distance you from your partner. Don’t wait for miraculous solutions. It is extremely important that before creating a wall between you two for fear or suspicion of infidelity, the best is to always talk about it. Similarly, you cannot sit back and wait for the situation between you and your partner to get solved by itself, because this may never happen, it is best to take the reins and between the two of you, seek the best way to resolve any inconvenient.

The acceptance of infidelity is something that must be addressed, evaluating the situation of your relationship and the possible failures the couple has had. It is a difficult situation to cope with, particularly to regain confidence, which is why it is advisable to request professional help if you believe that you cannot overcome it.

Once the infidelity is forgiven, you should not bring the issue back to the fore, since that will only stop the relationship from moving on.