According to traditional Chinese medicine, energy stagnation is the mainly responsible for diseases or health problems that affect most humans. However, if we treat them in time we can prevent that our health is compromised, and one of the natural therapies that can be used to restore the energy balance is reflexology, whose purpose is massage and press specific areas of the hands, feet ears, face, among others.
Although its origins are due to traditional Chinese medicine thousands of years ago, modern reflexology was born in the early XX century, as a result of the study of the energy system of this medicine; conducted by Dr. William Fitzgerald, who discovered that by putting pressure on certain points of the fingers and toes, he could alleviate some ailments, making the body divided longitudinally into 10 meridians which in turn were fractionated into various areas, each with a reflection on the hands and feet.
However, it would be the masseur Eunice Ingham, who would create the reflexology therapy that is known today and thanks to the experiments he did with his patients achieve develop the first reflexology map, in which the relationship between the different organs and each zone are detailed on sole of the foot.
Among the uses that we can give to this therapy highlights the treatment of conditions such as back or neck pain, constipation, gastritis, menstrual cramps, asthma, stress, headaches, insomnia, arthritis, anxiety, depression, fatigue and many more.
However, reflexology should be considered as a complementary treatment, but not as a substitute; so under no circumstances medical treatment should be abandoned.
Reflexology also has numerous benefits, the main ones are: produces a deep relaxation of the body and thereby improves sleep; It helps eliminate toxins and free radicals in the body; It improves blood and lymphatic circulation; increases the supply of oxygen to body cells; decreases pain; strengthens the immune system; It helps normalize body functions at all levels: organic, glandular and hormonal; It helps reduce stress, anxiety and depression; It helps generate higher energy levels, among many others. But one that stands out above the rest is that no chemical treatments or invasive procedures are used.
Thanks to these benefits, day after day reflexology and other natural therapies continue to gain more power in the world, allowing a healthy, natural and enjoyable recovery. Therefore, if you have any ailment or illness, we invite you to try this powerful therapy, remember that health will always be our most precious treasure, and if we want to live more, we should take advantage of all the methods we have at hand to stay in top condition.