Known as the force that an object exerts over other ferrous bodies, magnetism, besides being used in industry, especially in the manufacturing of electric and electronic devices, has also been of great use for the creative hands of the most world-renowned jewelers.
From necklaces to pendants and rings, magnetism is valued as a source material that can lower the cost of the elements forming the parts of a jewel. With magnetism, there’s no need for wires, hooks or any kind of chains.
This kind of jewelry is known to improve the wellbeing of people who wear them. Magnetism has also improved alternative medicine, solving different ailments, and creating a technique called magnetotherapy.
Discovered by doctor Isaac Goiz Durán, who introduced it as a therapeutic treatment, and used to reestablish the organic balance, it consists of two magnets, a positive one and a negative one. When located in certain areas of the body, they can eliminate bacteria, microorganism and viruses that have caused the unbalance of the normal pH level, and this causes the end of different diseases and functional disorders.
An effective and non-invasive treatment, magnetotherapy is now becoming more popular in traditional medicine, because it has been associated with the decrease of different levels of pain, the influence of cell regeneration and the improvement of the transport of calcium to the osseous system, being a complement to osteoarthritis therapies.
In jewelry, you can find many magnetic designs for men and women of all ages, which makes it easy to choose one as a gift for a casual or special occasion.
It may sound like magnetic jewelry is just a set of ferrous objects put together to create a sort of attraction, but other materials such as pearls, stainless steel, and even sterling silver are used in some pieces to avoid any allergy, especially to people who are allergic to the alloy of nickel.
Magnetic jewels have become very popular. They are innovative and elegant. They also bring a great benefit to people who wear them, which makes such investment worth it. Magnetic jewels are a trend that will make you look different and feel good.