Doing favors and receiving them is the essence of reciprocity, from good intention to do well to those who need. It’s like the law of the boomerang effect, what you give comes back multiplied, the favor is acquired when you shed petty attitudes that deafen the soul, the favor you receive will be the gift you get for good deeds.
This must be implemented with faithfully, and diligently to increase the assets of who gives, not who receives it. The one who only thinks of himself, and his actions only act in the pettiness; in this way is impossible to enjoy all the greatness that man can acquire, happiness.
With its prismatic, foliated, and fibrous crystals, arsenic trisulfide a monoclinic mineral, composed of arsenic and sulfur, of hydrothermal origin, springs and fumaroles, the best crystal of great length, it is the orpiment. A mineral which enjoyed an excellent trade during the Roman Empire, was used as medicinal treatment in China, and for its extraordinary color became a mineral preferred by alchemists.
This mineral was mined for centuries, and processed as pigment for painting, which resulted with a bright yellow effect, almost incandescent. It was in the ancient Mesopotamia where this precious mineral gained fame and prestigious, placing it in a higher level of acceptance.
By then, in the ancient Mesopotamia, people from different regions, used to give this stone when they were interested in getting something from the person to whom they gave away. To gifting it, you have to be free of bad thoughts, pettiness, and selfishness, as this precious ore has to do with interest. Hence its use must be accompanied by honesty.
It is used to make permeable crystals to infrared radiation; is especially destined in China for manufacture or fireworks. A precious metal with well-developed crystals, with well-defined terminations, translucent, orange, those features make it striking in the market.
In the scope of healing, it is recommended for the treatment of pain in general, prevents colds and flu. On the other hand, used for purposes of magic and spells, strengthens the crown chakra.
In astrology, has affinity with the sign of Leo. It helps them to develop self-confidence, will, and encouragement. By its bright yellow color, which characterizes it, develops the sense of organization, leadership, social ascension, and self-assurance.
Receive the favors a bounties of nature, keep your emotional and spiritual balance, spend enough time demonstrating good intentions, give and receive without expecting anything in return. Give way to love and put aside pettiness, and do not despair, let the orpiment do its best work in you.