Everyone at some point in our lives, we had an experience in which we seem to have had a vision of what will happen, just at the moment that we are living it. For example: We can be talking to some stranger and we think already know them; or perhaps we first visited somewhere, and suddenly we have the feeling of having been there before.

Well, these experiences are repeated daily throughout the world, and although many give little importance, in some people this feeling known as “déjà vu”, cause some degree of fear, and even confusion, because many preconceptions they have on clairvoyance and the possibility that some unwanted event occurs. However, one must ask the following: are premonitions? or is there a scientific explanation for this?

To find the answers, should understand the meaning of “déjà vu”, this comes from the French and means “already seen”; according to the experience we have lived, can be classified into three types of “déjà vu”: ” déjà vècu” or already lived, “déjà sentí” or already felt, and “visited vu” which means already visited.

Based on these concepts, many students of metaphysics have tried to explain this phenomenon as a premonitory act, or the ability to predict the future, defending the belief that this feeling is due to the reincarnation of the soul in a second life, where the individual does not remember their previous life, but some fragments of it as occurs with “déjà vu”.

However, this theory of reincarnation and special powers, are only part of popular belief, as scientists have demonstrated through their studies, that “déjà vu” are disorders of perception, caused by delay in our brain interpretation of the events we are experiencing, this generating a mixture of new scenes, with scenes previously experienced or stored in our brain.

The researchers also found that people with more predispositions to the “déjà vu” are people who have gone through stress or fatigue, high levels of intellectual people, and young people between 15 and 25 years old; but these episodes tend to disappear as we get older. In this regard is important that we fight against stress every time, because this is the main cause of “déjà vu”.

Although we believe that the “deja vu” is an act of precognition, the truth is that we have to take it for what it is, not a kind of clairvoyance, but a neurological abnormality of the brain, which occurs by overlapping of short and medium term memories, which causes the brain to combine the two into a new experience, creating a misperception of an event that we are just living. Therefore, consider this next time this happen to you and don’t be fooled by your brain.



  1. Kate says:

    Most probably we all have felt this strange feeling of precognition but surly we will continue with the activity with an odd sensation of repetition without much attention. It is an interesting explanation of this “feeling”

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