When purchasing jewellery, it is important to recognize fake diamonds so as not to be subject to scams by buying imitations that do abound in the jewellery market. Therefore, next we will to give you some practical tips to recognize them:

Reconocer Diamantes Falsos Gemas

Learn how to do a fog test: For this you must just place the gem in front of your mouth to blow hot air over the diamond and fog it; if it stays like this for a few seconds, it is most likely a fake diamond because real diamonds disperse heat from the breath instantly, so they don’t easily fog up.

But, if you have a diamond certified as real, try both gems by tarnishing them, and thus compare them. If you notice that the one you are testing does not stay clear as the real one, it is because it accumulates condensation and remains tarnished. It is recommended performing this procedure several times.

The setting and the frame warn about forgery: As a rule, real diamonds are mounted on expensive metals, and that can be verified in the seals that are inside the setting; that prove if it is real gold or platinum such as 10K, 14K, 18K, 585, 750, 900, 950, PT, Plat, which could be proof that these are not fake diamonds. The “CZ” mark, which means cubic zirconia (synthetic diamond), indicates that the central gem is not an authentic diamond.

Reconocer Diamantes Falsos Gemas Joyería Joya Anillo

The magnifying glass for jewelers is a very useful tool: It is very helpful when you want to detect fake diamonds, and if you go to a jewelry store to buy a jewel with real diamonds, you have the right to ask the jeweler for one. The magnifying glass will help you to detect inclusions; that is, the small imperfections that diamonds have that are naturally extracted, as well as subtle color changes or tiny mineral stains that could mean they are real diamonds, even if they are imperfect.

Usually, synthetic cubic zirconia diamonds are manufactured in sterile environments, making them flawless, and often a very perfect gem ends up being a fake. But a real diamond is likely to be perfect, so imperfections should not be considered only when determining whether they are fake or real diamonds; then other techniques should be used.

Reconocer Diamantes Falsos Diamante Sintético Cirnconita

On the other hand, synthetic diamonds can be identical to the real ones and have no blemishes, being able even to be superior from the physical, optical and chemical point of view. But this has become a headache for jewelers and mine workers, who are looking for ways to differentiate them because although these types of diamonds are real, they are not natural.

Observation of diamond refraction: These gems refract or bend the light that passes through them abruptly, giving them great brilliance; but quartz or glass, for example, have a lower refractive index, which makes them shine less. So if you look closely at refraction, you can determine if they are fake diamonds, and this can be done as follows:

Reconocer Diamantes Falsos Gemas Refracción Brillo

By using newspaper: You must turn the stone face up, then place it on newspaper and try to read through it what is printed, or to see distorted black spots. If you make it, it is most likely it is a fake diamond since if it is authentic, nothing could be read or seen.

Try drawing a point: With a ballpoint pen, draw a black dot on a white piece of paper, placing the gem in the center of the dot. If you look at the point through it, it is a fake diamond.

Notice the reflections: These reflections are gray or dark tones in real diamonds, and must be observed directly through them. If you can see the reflections of the rainbow, or various colors, it is proof that it is a false diamond or a low quality diamond. Reflection is associated with the color of the light being refracted, so there must be very strong light, rather than multiple colors.

Care must be taken that it is not a moissanite, which is a stone very similar to diamond, and even has a higher shine, to the point that many jewelers have had trouble differentiating it, and to achieve this, special equipment must be used. To do this, you must hold the gem very closely and illuminate the interior with a flashlight. If the colors of the rainbow are observed, it means that it is a moissanite and not a diamond, since it has the property of having double refraction, which makes those colors be seen.

Reconocer Diamantes Falsos Gemas Prueba

The stone in the glass with water: This simple test involves dropping the diamond into a glass of water; if it is a real diamond, it will sink to the bottom due to its high density. But if it does not sink completely, we are sorry to tell you that it is a fake diamond.

Heat the diamond: The stone should be heated for 30 seconds, and then dropped into a glass of cold water. If it is a real diamond, nothing will happen; but if it is false, it will break due to the sudden expansion and contraction that breaks the tensile strength of weaker materials.

Sure, all of these tests can help you to identify real diamonds; but if you prefer to seek professional help, then request a heat test, an observation under microscopes, ultraviolet (UV) light or X-rays.